I just finished the most ambitious daily project I've participated in to date. I still can't really believe I actually completed all 100 entries on a daily basis and on time, except for a short period during which I was on vacation and without easy Internet access.
Many, many creatives participate in the 100 Day Project, this year it officially began April 3 and you can read more about the concept on The100DayProject site. I have done a few month long photo challenges like October Daily and December Daily but I've never fully committed to anything this long. I'm not counting Project Life because I have never worked on that as a daily commitment.
When I saw that rukristin was coordinating a journaling project with a daily prompt emailed out to participants each day, I decided THIS was the year to join. I need the daily push to get anything done, I think so the community feel of it was very helpful and I'm sure was a big part of my success.
I opted to make a handmade binder and travelers notebook style inserts but I highly recommend purchasing the book version. I found out about the project very last minute or that's what I would've done. It would've made things a lot easier, because to be honest, figuring out a way to cover up the text on the book pages I used nearly every day, so I'd have room to journal was the biggest challenge and one I wish I'd have skipped so I could've focused on reflecting on my replies more.
But I won't lie, having the chunky two inch thick book with all my completed responses after 100 days was ridiculously satisfying. I've shared some of my favorite entries above, but you can see all of my pages via the hashtag #ktnlovesdailychallenges on Instagram and while you're there, it would be great if you followed me @ktnestingspot because I love making new crafty friends!