I can't believe the school year is winding down! Especially since I'm still on sharing my Project Life pages from last summer! Let's pick up with some from August.
The first few spreads are typical, showing highlights from several days. We were busy with two weeks of Vacation Bible School, our town's yearly festival, play dates, and so on.
Brad and I also had our fourteenth wedding anniversary. I made an insert and printed out the text from my Hello 14 post.
I added pictures from one of our rare date nights downtown on the reverse side of the insert. On the right side above are pictures from the last day of the second VBS, I loved the colorful stage decorations they had, and some from visiting Daddy on the way home and eating treats, just for fun.
Most of the remaining pages in August are theme or event based. One of my best friends was in for her summer visit from AZ and since we normally take E out for girls days, this time we took the little guy out. We took him to this cool wooden outdoor play area, it's in the town over from ours so we don't go often and in fact, it was his first time there.
Then we took him to an indoor climbing area. He loved it, but it actually would've been an even bigger hit if we had, had big sister there for him to run around with. I think she's the only one with enough energy to keep up with him!
Another fun to create spread is about the day Brad and the kids did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The kids loved it so much, they kept refilling their buckets, putting the ice back in, and redumping. Since everyone was wet, Brad got out the water guns and then they have even more fun trying to get Daddy.
As August and summer was coming to an end, we asked E what she wanted to do and I was kinda surprised she mentioned going to the farm. I thought she had kinda forgotten about it. This was another first trip for my three year old and once again E's Godmother came with us. He loved it, they've added a train car you can walk through since our last visit so that was very exciting for him.
I've scrapped pictures of E visiting this farm before so I did one layout focusing on my son and then a pocket page with favorites from the visit that summarize our day. On the next spread, not shown, are more pictures of each of the kids with the various animals etc.

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