*Click on any of the images to see a larger view and get a better look at the details.
I moved June into my second binder for 2014 so my spreads would have space to breathe. Things were getting a little tight in there! I probably could've fit half the month in Binder 1 but I didn't want to spit the two. This month is packed with end of the school year activities, but I won't be able to share all of them due to wanting to keep the other children in the photos private.
The binder opens with a spread just covering June 1-3. It starts out as a typical PL spread with everyday photos. I took some of our annual pictures by the lilac bush and made an 8.5X11 layout and put it into a insert.
On the other side of the insert is a copy of the end of the year letter my Brownie co-leader wrote. I liked how it summarized everything we did, and printed it out onto a some scrapbook paper. The right side of the spread is about our last Brownie meeting of the year. I used cards from the Micheal's exclusive Heidi Swapp Favorite Things kit that I tried super hard not to buy! The colors are just so bright & pretty, lovely florals, {swoon}. I added some heart stickers from a MAMBI sticker pad to add a little something extra to a couple of the cards.
The second June spread is all about one day! I know that might seem excessive, but we did a lot! In the morning was my daughter's second grade pool party. The little guy stayed home with the babysitter, so thankful we finally found a great one that both kids love. That's her, face blurred out, with LB in the middle left. Also on this half are pictures from the end of the day, when we went to the library and park after school.
The reason we went out right after school was because the kids were both all excited and a bit too hyper after the second grade dance. That was the last half hour of the school day and I took the little guy over to my daughter's school. It was a little bit too loud and crowded for him but he got into things after big sister came over and danced with him. That was so sweet! She had a grand ol' time dancing with all her friends. I had enough pictures from that one half hour to fill an entire side.
Next is my daughter's dance recital dress rehearsal. I always take most of my pictures the day before the actual recital because that's when we're allowed to take them while the girls are performing. Plus, it's a lot more laid back to get individual pictures of her in each outfit than when the family is all over.
On the back of Design D are the obligatory family photos from the actual day. The program went right into an insert.
On the back of this insert is the Year End News my daughter's teacher sent home. It gives a run down of all the activities going on and a little message from her. Next to this are pictures from the Second Grade Aloha Party. I had more than usual to write so I used a folded card from the Strawberry Core Kit. Due to so many kids being in it, I decided to keep the actual page private.
Here is the actual last day of school. I pretty much stuck with a pencil yellow, apple red, and black chalkboard color scheme. Next to this, not shown, is an insert with an overview letter from the teacher. I know I've mentioned this before, but I just love having somewhere to stick these important notes so they are held onto and don't get lost.
On the right of this spread is the beginning of summer break. This one was especially busy because my daughter's Godmother came back from AZ for the first time in seven years! We had a lot of catching up to do and hanging out to squeeze into four months! You will be seeing a lot of Alicia throughout the summer & September PL pages!
So all the previous pages have been June but we're only up to the middle of month! Yep, that is a lot but I really couldn't see cutting anything out! This side is about celebrating Father's Day with my Dad on the 14th.
On the right side and actually on Father's Day, we went to the zoo but not for Father's Day as you might expect. This outing was really to mark his mother's birthday, that was at the end of May. We just were so busy we didn't have time to do anything special until now.
The next spread is more about Brad's Father's Day. On the left are pictures of him with the kids at the zoo. Then there's an insert, not shown, with this Fun Facts About Dad page that my daughter filled out.
The right side has photos taken once we were back at Grandma Norma's house after the zoo. That's the kids with her after she opened her gifts and some cute filler/journaling cards along the top of this spread. I will probably need to go back and stitch the top line of pockets into 3X4 so the cards don't slip around so much. Below that, the bottom two row's are devoted to Father's Day and Brad.
Around this time of the month, I was getting tired trying to keep up with all the documenting I was doing so June 16-21st was a nice break.
This is June 22-27, sorry about the wonky color! The sun moved on me and I didn't remember to correct the white color balance. The first side is typical PL stuff with everyday moments. Then there is an insert with the program from a Disney Theater Camp performance on Friday (not shown). This was my daughter's second year taking this week long camp and she loved it.
Next up is our trip to Chicago and I plan to share those pages next month. I'm linking up and sharing this post at: The Mom Creative - on the November link up since Jessica skipped October, Avinash & Nandini, and the Community Show & Tell at Simple Scrapper.

3 Friends Said:
Great PL pages! Love the Remember card. And you have such a beautiful dancer!!
Love all your pages! That lilac page is just gorgeous! Love the idea of adding traditional scrapping in with PL.
I love your layouts, you choose such a great color scheme.
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