Today's my birthday and Mother Nature did not come through for me this year. There is still a ton of snow on the ground! Growing up in MI, it was always my hope, that by March 13th snow season would be over. Yeah, well yesterday was a snow day for the kids so that pretty much says how our weather has been!
I had been feeling pretty apathetic about turning 37 but then I got some perspective when Christine wrote Live Each Day to the Fullest. So instead of bemoaning my advanced age and feeling depressed about all the things I was going to do while 36, and didn't, I am going to embrace 37 with renewed positivity and joy in all the blessings I have.
This year is already off to a good start, a beautiful bouquet of flowers just arrived from Brad and the kids. With so much snow and cold days, a reminder of all the loveliness that spring has in store for us was a perfect birthday surprise. Plus he is going to bring us home our favorite fried pickles from a local place downtown. This way we can enjoy them in the peace of our home and not surrounded by other patrons wondering why our two year old is laying face down on the ground and screaming, and yes that really happened!

4 Friends Said:
hapy birthday to youuuuu :)
Happy Birthday Katie:))
Happy birthday. Good attitude. 37 is a good age. I will be 38 this year! Was having a hard time digesting that, but I am getting over it. LOL!! Hope you had a wonderful day. Such pretty flowers and YUM - fried pickles. I have been wanting to try those!!!
Happy Birthday! Hope your year is wonderful!
twinkle at optonline dot net
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