One of the reasons I think Sports Illustrated Kids is such a great publication is that not only do they provide quality content that inspires, encourages, and teaches...they also recognize outstanding kids too!
Right now they are looking for a special kid between the ages of 7 - 15, who exhibits strong sportsmanship through his or her accomplishments on the field, in their classrooms and in their communities. They need your help; this is your opportunity to nominate your favorite kid athlete! Simply go to the SportsKid of the Year page and fill out the form by October 7, 2013.
The winner of the 2013 "SKOTY" award will be featured on the cover of the December 2013 issue of Sports Illustrated Kids, receive a special SportsKid of the Year jacket, and a trip to New York City to accept their award at the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year ceremony.
Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it! I love it when kids are celebrated for being shining examples and role models for their peers. I think it encourages other kids and reinforces what a difference one person can make. It's just awesome that SIKids is looking for kids to inspire us all and focus on the positive.
This year's SKOTY winners, brothers Conner and Cayden Long, made an especially big impact on me personally because like little brother Cayden, my younger brother also has cerebral palsy. While my brother's is not as physically limiting, he has to wear leg braces and use two canes to walk and can't drive so my family knows how limiting a physical disability can be.
It was very heartwarming for me to see that Conner has found a way to overcome his brother's disabilities to compete with him in 14 races and with more to come! I couldn't believe the determination and spirit both boys have and the amazing bonding this shared dream has helped them have. It truly is a wonderful story!
To learn more about this inspirational family and the brothers, watch this video. Hearing Conner talk about his brother, brought tears to my eyes. Then go nominate your own SportsKid of the Year!
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