I immediately spied one title I've had my eye on for awhile: 1,2,3 Sew and scored it for just $2.51 though Google Play!!! $2.51!!! Can you believe it? I'm loving it! Basically, I'm now planning to go back and purchase pretty much every other book, except for the knit and crochet titles because those are not among my crafting skills.
In case, you are hesitant to purchase a ebook version of a craft book, let me reassure you that you can easily enlarge the photos to get a closer look and there's a download link to get the patterns via a PDF. My experience on my NookHD has been very good with Chronicle's ebooks. I hope they release more of their terrific titles in this format. I would especially like to see Best Lunch Box Ever.

PS: In case you are wondering, since I do frequently post review, this is in no way a sponsored review of either Chronicle Books or NookHD.
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