This week I'm still trying to play catch up with life in general after a busy last week, during which my husband was in Calgary on business. Back here in the US, it was my daughter's last week of First Grade so we had a lot of special events to juggle. So this week's share will be quick.
This side has the week of Sunday April 14 - Saturday April 20 on it. We went to a first birthday party, got outside one day only to be stuck inside when it snowed yet again!!! The one of LB peering up at me, is a site I see a lot. Whenever I have to go upstairs real quick he's likes to wait there for me. This time he was waiting to throw his ball back over the baby gate.
At the bottom is a picture of ER at Daisy Scouts, the time we drew pictures of things we enjoyed as Daisies to pass along to a beginning troop of Kindergarteners. ER's picture is on the right. The journaling card has yet to be filled in. Quote card from Pebbles Family Phrase Cards, a recent surprise find at Hobby Lobby. I had another card there but switched out before photographing. I like this one a lot better.
My weeks normally go Sunday to Saturday but I had a full page worth of photos for Sunday the 21st so it worked to put them all here. They were all taken the day my family came over so Dad could help Brad put up some awkwardly located pieces of drywall.
Linking up to The Mom Creative.

2 Friends Said:
Such a pretty, simple layout this week. I really love the Fun filler card.
Love that flower filler card & the addition of the pliers on your construction photo. Great idea!
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