We used this freebie from Education to the Core as our base. That's just a preview of the download above As you can see, it's really nice with some guided prompts and space to write and draw a picture. You'll need to click over to the listing at TeachersPayTeachers to the packet that includes the color version we used along with a black line version.
To make our booklet I cut an 8.5X11 sheet of cardstock down to 5.25X11 inches and then popped it into my Martha Stewart Scoring Board and scored at 4.25 and 8.5. You need to do this twice for each booklet. The excess flap on one sheet I used to attach two pieces together and on the second I trimmed it off completely.
This will give you and idea of how we attached the two cut and scored sheets together. On the reverse side, where the washi tape has been attached, that's the backside of the extra flap left over after scoring at 4.25 and 8.5 inches. The tape is just decorative, a glue stick was used for the actual bonding.
After making our accordion folded base, we cut out each part of the book and attached with a glue stick to make our extra special card for the Grandmothers. In the last section I added a little pocket to add small photo magnet we ordered on our school's spring picture day. If we hadn't had that, we'd have attached a picture of ER with the Grandma the card went to.
I think it's sure to become a treasured keepsake!

3 Friends Said:
Katie that is just darling. Love it. Thanks for sharing!
Too cute! What a sweet idea!
I just saw this!! What an adorable idea! I have this post on my schedule to promote!! Thank you!
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