One of my favorite bands Bon Jovi is coming to the Metro Detroit area this summer on July 18th! I am really looking forward to finally seeing them in concert as I've been a fan for a long time. I used to tear out glossy pictures of the band from fan magazines back in junior high. I can still remember how much time and thought I put into figuring out the perfect arrangement for them on my closet doors. I played my New Jersey cassette tape so much that I wore parts out! I can't wait for the July 18th!
I am really excited to share the news that The J.Geils Band will be the supporting act. This will be one awesome show, not to be missed. If you don't already have tickets, there's good news for you! Tickets are still available for Bon Jovi featuring the J. Geils Band at Ford Field on July 18h, starting at just $19.50! Click here or either image for purchasing information.

Disclosure: Complimentary tickets to the show were provided for sharing this announcement and ticket information. The experiences and opinions related within are both personal and unbiased by this.
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