The half of this week's spread represents our week at home and the time when things got really busy in respect to trying to keep the little guy safe and sound. He learned how to climb up on nearly everything and then, because he's such a busybody, he'd stand up on them too. He also got to try chocolate covered pretzels for the first time. I also took some pictures to show how ER practices reading every night, cold mornings at the bus stop, and our pizza and a movie night.
I documented Brad's week away for work with a trimmed down insert. He took ER's camera with him but it didn't take the best pictures and it was so cold that it was tough for Brad to get out and take pictures of the University. To get around that I used smaller pictures and had him pick up some postcards with well known landmarks of Northwestern on them. Then I used the backside of the postcards to journal on. Or at least I journaled on one, the blank one is for Brad to add his own thoughts. Which I'm going to have to bug him to do for me. The green card is about Brad coming home and how we had to rush over to the otherside of town to get to the funeral home.
The entire right side of this week's spread is devoted to my Great Aunt Rosemary and has pictures of the flower arrangement my immediate family sent and lots of the family and friends who came to the funeral luncheon. I also included a screen shot of the online obituary and one of the prayer cards passed out at the funeral home.
A couple of extended family members we don't see often came to the funeral and luncheon to celebrate my Aunt's life. I wanted to incorporate lots of their pictures but then didn't have room to add their names. So I wrote them onto a journaling card that I slipped behind the bottom photo and attached a tab to it so it's easy to pull out. I thought it was a pretty good solution!
Linking up to The Mom Creative

1 Friends Said:
I can`t wait to get my own kid, and make something likethis for him to remember :)
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