Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Crafty Soiree #132

I hope you've been having a great week and are ready for some fun, cause it's Crafty Soiree time!   I don't know about you, but I am SO ready for winter to be over.  The St. Patrick's Day projects really got me ready for spring and the delectable desserts I found made me really hungry!  Here are two perfect for the 17th:

After my sweet tooth was satisfied, I noticed two really cute fashionable projects your little girls will love:

I hadn't seen that technique for bending the sticks before.

And one fun project that fashionistas of all ages will like:

Thank you to everyone for linking up last week, you make me so excited for Thursday!  I'm looking forward to seeing your creativity, start linkin' up below!

  • Link up to four of your creative projects (No Etsy stores or other linky parties pretty please).
  • Add your link to the specific posts not the main URL
  • Add a "Crafty Soiree" button to your blog or posts.
  • Please comment on the post linked up in front of you. All party goers love meeting new friends... don't just stop there...if you see something that catches your fancy-- stop by and say hi!
  • Your hostesses would love it if you'd follow us. You can find Malia here.


16 Friends Said:

Unknown said... 1

Great party again this week, I am so happy to be linking up!
Thanks so much for hosting, I hope you have a fantastic week ahead!

Christine said... 2

Thanks for the party Katie!! You are welcome over anytime :)

keri @ shaken together said... 3

Thanks for the party each week, Katie and I really appreciate you featuring my cupcakes!!

Unknown said... 4

Thank you so much for hosting, Katie!! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Unknown said... 5

Thanks Katie, you're the best!!
Beth @ The First Year Blog

Crystelle Boutique said... 6

Hi Katie, thank you so much for this fab party!

hugs x

Unknown said... 7

Thanks for hosting another great party! PS I love your blog design. The colors are great.

Elisi Defteri said... 8

Thank you very much Katie:))

Angie said... 9

Such a great set of features! Thanks for the linky! ~ Angie @ The Dating Divas

Sew Lah Tea Dough said... 10

Thanks for hosting the party! SO many great links to check out :-)

The Busy Bee's said... 11

Thanks for hosting such a great party!
The Busy Bee's,
Myrna and Joye.

Anonymous said... 12

Thanks so much for hosting!

Vicky @ Mess For Less said... 13

Thanks for the link party Katie!

ÖRGÜÇANTAM-Hatice yazıcı said... 14

Hi Katie,
Thank you so much for the party

Unknown said... 15

Great party! Thanks for taking the time to host it again this week :)

Hope you have a great weekend!

Linda said... 16

I'm so excited to hear that my Handprint Birthday card (#291) will be featured next week! Thanks soooo much! I'll be back to link more! Would love to have you or your readers visit my new blog at


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