I decided to use a picture of our tree as my date card with a Martha Stewart label on it. The week began with LB's 15 month well baby check up. Because the main concern I had to discuss with the doctor was how LB's been walking, I took a picture of him walking around the room for it. I'm going to add the specifics on his growth on the card next to it. I've just misplace the sheet from the doctor, so it's not on there yet. On the same day I took some pictures of LB for a post on Neighborhood Toy Store Day, which were too cute not to include. The rest of the photos on this side are from one of the last sunny days we had.
While I ordered the new page protectors as soon as they were released, this is the first time I've gotten a chance to use Design J. I didn't have much to say about our annual trip to pick out pumpkins on Thursday, so I filled it mainly with pictures. The cute journaling card is from Bella Blvd's Thankful line.
On the back I continued the week with pictures from Friday. ER had a pajama party and I had a spare space, that I decided to fill with the invitation. I liked how her friend's handwriting looked, so after she got back I decided to have her write her own journaling card about it. Below that, is a picture of her and her American Girl Doll Felicity in the matching pajamas they wore to the festivities. Next to that is some Simple Stories' Snap! fun. At the very bottom is a picture of LB all smiles at dinner time, with a small Smashbook pocket holding some hairs from his first hair cut. I didn't attach it so that I can still pull out the envelope and look at those wispy baby fine hairs.
Whenever possible I like for the inserts to be in chronological order so that as you look at a week's spread from left to right it all makes sense. This week because of the pictures and things I wanted to include that wasn't possible. The inserts go from Thurs (pumpkin patch) to Fri (pajama party & hair cut) to back to Thurs so I could include ER's dentist appointment. Normally I'd be okay with skipping this but it was memorable, but not for good reasons.
We were all shocked when the dentist found five cavities! We brush those teeth all.the.time! I couldn't believe it, I make her brush at least three times a day. I felt terrible, like a horrible mother, and sad that she'd have to under go getting fillings when I know she is so afraid of things like that. Part of the reason is because our town is notorious for not having added fluoride, which I've brought up with the dentist before. She hadn't wanted to start drops, so I was very upset when the cavities showed up.
The fluoride thing is not just an excuse, it's been a hot topic and bit of a controversy in our area. It's pretty common for everyone's kids to have cavities, which is why there's been such an uproar, petitions, etc. The dentist said they were all very, very, small and in the very back where it's hard to reach to brush and where she sees cavities the most often. Yes ER could floss more, but they are so far back it's unlikely she would be able to get in good there anyway. My friends all reassured me, but I was still so upset I couldn't sleep almost the whole night after it happened.
I used one of the Albums Made Easy journal cards from WeRMemory Keepers to journal about the appointment. This line has recently shown up at Target, in the scrapbook aisle but in with the albums at my store. A bunch of bloggers have posted about them so I won't go into too much detail, other than to say they are a great deal so hurry over and look at your store for some. I included the cute picture of the tooth fairy and her pet tooth that ER drew in the waiting room so there would be something fun and happy in there too.
The week schedule, which I included in part because things are a bit out of order, is a striped journalers freebie from A Vegas Girl at Heart. It went perfectly with the WRMK one next to it.
The backside of the second insert has pictures from the Halloween party ER went to at her dance studio. It was her first time and we signed her up to kind of make up for the rained out Zoo Boo we skipped. She had so much fun that if they do it again I'll let her go next year. It was very sweet how ER and the bunch of girls she's had several years of classes with stuck together.
We did so much on the Saturday of the week, that it was the whole second half of the spread and one activity isn't even represented. That's because we went for family pictures and I don't have any back from the photographer yet. I'll probably include those the week we get the photo CD.
After our photo shoot we caught up on some yearly fall outings we like to do. First we tried going to the big pumpkin patch but it was a let down this time. The hay ride wasn't going out to the field, just around it. Then once we walked all the way out, we found there were hardly any pumpkins and the ones there were not very nice. They're usually pretty expensive, the smallest size runs $10 so we didn't get any. Out by the entrance they still had the animals out and pumpkins on the ground, but since the whole point of going there is for the experience of going out onto the field I have no idea why they brought them up.
We live out on the edge of the country so if we want to pick out a pumpkin from on the grass we have lots of cheaper options. I'm kinda sad they changed things so much. There was some trouble with the crops in general this year, so we're wondering if that was part of the problem. Maybe the pumpkins weren't that good so they brought the best out, but I hope things are back to normal next year!
After that was a bust we went back to the house on the main road through town that has pumpkin all over their yard for sale. We call it the pumpkin house. We picked out a few more pumpkins so we'd have one for each family member. Then we finished the day with a trip to the cider mill for fresh donuts, cider, and views of the river. LB was pretty unsure of the donut at first, but once he had a bite or two...he decided that perhaps weren't trying to give him something yucky after all.
Phew! This was a long one! Thanks for making it to the end, next week is even longer, with four inserts because of Halloween and our church's Silent Auction. I hope you'll come back next week for that one :) I'm linking up as usual with Jessica at The Mom Creative.

3 Friends Said:
adorable! Love that fall spread :)
The layouts are wonderful! I love that you included your child's artwork :-)
Really love your layouts! The tooth fairy is SO sweet.
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