As many of you know, we welcomed a baby boy in July of 2011. He was primarily breast fed, as was our daughter as I think breast feeding, when possible is the best option. However, both times my milk was slow to come in, in part because I had C-Sections and also because I'm diabetic. Our milk tends to be slower to kick in. At the start of both of our baby's lives we had to rely on formula and I was very grateful to have options to fall back on.
Even as I was able to begin breast feeding my babies, both initially had difficulty maintaining their weight and were put on feeding schedules. We alternated breast and bottle feeding so that we could get a better idea of how much our infant was ingesting. I was not lucky enough to produce breast milk in excess. When we went on outings it was very helpful and convenient to be able to pack a bottle of formula for on the go feedings. My experience with both children has been that it's very important to have formula on hand, even with breast feeding.
I'm not alone, as 80% of moms supplement with infant formula at some point during the baby’s first year, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). As anyone whose bought name brand formula knows, the cost can really add up. Since we're all trying to save as much as we can, I was very interested to learn that store brand formulas are as nutritionally complete as national brands but can cost as much as 50% less! That savings can really add up over the course of a year, around $600!
Two examples of Perrigo Nutritionals store brand formula, which are sold under individual retailer brands, are Walmart’s Parent’s Choice and Target’s Up & Up. Both are pictured above and included in the gift pack. While Perrigo Nutritionals store brand formula may cost less, moms researching whether or not to switch will be happy to know, that it's one of only four companies recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for meeting the strict FDA requirements for safety, nutrition, and quality for infant formula-manufacturing in the United States.
Along with one can of Parent’s Choice Premium (nutritionally equivalent to Enfamil Premium® ) and one can of Up & Up Advantage (nutritionally equivalent to Similac® Advance®) the gift pack will include these fun bottle feeding accessories: baby bottle drying rack, formula dispenser, and bottle brush. I especially like the brush, it's great for bottles and then sippy cups as your child grows.
Also included is a copy of the very handy reference book Save a Bundle: 50+ Ways to Save Big on Baby Gear, by Sanda Gordon. It's full of tips with advice on which baby products to save one and which ones are splurge worthy.
Please use Rafflecopter below to enter, subscribers may need to click over to the post to see the entry box.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now that you've entered, go try your luck with the Free Baby Formula sweepstakes at You have the chance to win a new Origami® Stroller by 4moms, the world’s first power-folding, self-charging stroller, or a weekly prize of two cases of baby formula. The Origami® Stroller comes with four cup holders, daytime running lights, and pathway lights that turn on in low-light conditions. It even comes equipped with an LCD display dashboard, featuring a thermometer, speedometer, and lifetime odometer. That's one fancy set of new wheels for the baby!
Learn more about Store Brand Formula at:
Store Brand Formula - Website

Disclosure: The Perrigo Nutritionals product, information, and two gift packs have been provided by Perrigo Nutritionals.
15 Friends Said:
Great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
awesome- my baby is 2 months old
tcogbill at live dot com
What an awesome and ideal giveaway! I have a baby due in April and I would love to try those formula brands because formula is expensive!
Thanks for the giveaway - we use Parent's Choice with my son and he loves it!
acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
love store brand formula
thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would love to win this for my daughter who is due in March!
thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for the chance!
Maggie True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
Great giveaway!
One of my coworkers is about to have a baby, very unexpectedly. This would be such a great gift for her! I just know she would love it! I've never seen a bottle holder like the one pictured and almost want one for myself too!
Thanks for the giveaway
Awesome giveaway! I would love to win it for my litter niece!
Thank You for the chance
Fiona N
My little nephew is 26 days old :)
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