I used two 3X4 cards from two different companies, Simple Stories and Bella BLVD , for the title block that I thought worked well together. Next to it is are the kids snuggling after ER was bouncing LB on her lap and making him laugh. The second row has two photo collages, one for each kid.
The first one is of LB in his co-sleeper, inside of our walk in closet. He's been there a few weeks now because once he could stand up inside of the co-sleeper, he'd get up and stand by the side, crying until someone came and picked him up every.single.time he woke up during the night. We had been used to him sleeping through the night so it was rough when no one was getting a good night's sleep anymore. Glad we decided on this compromise. Now he's close by, the walk in closet is quite spacious with it's own heat vent and even a window. The downside is he pulls my clothes off their hangers every night and each nap. I will be so glad when the basement is finished, the office moves down there, and he gets into his own bedroom.
The second collage is made up of three not so great pictures that together tell the story of how ER loves to dance along when we watch our DVR'd episodes of Dancing with the Stars. I love to watch her enthusiasm.
The last two pockets on left side of this week are of Brad with ER at Disney on Ice and one of our tickets. If you pull out the ticket insert, there is more journaling on the backside. I also took several of my favorite images and made a collage for a 6X12 insert.
ER was very excited to see Merida make her ice debut, and we were happily surprised to also get to see Rapunzel from Tangled for the first time too. It was a very nice show with four Disney princesses featured. I loved the aerial show put on by Ariel as she transformed from mermaid to maiden.
You can read my review of the Disney on Ice Presents Rockin' Ever After, here. I encourage you to go when the show hits your town. Be sure to look for a discount code, bloggers in your area often have one to share with readers. They'll usually save you substantial amounts on great seats!
The back of the insert has some of my favorite pictures of LB in my parent's back yard. I took them when Brad, LB, and I went over to help out my brother when my parents were away on a two week trip. ER stayed with Grandma Norma while we took Dave around to pick up groceries and stuff like that.
I love the pumpkin sweater I picked up for LB last fall on clearance at Janie & Jack. I've been hoping to get a good fall color photo opportunity and grabbed this one when I noticed how vibrant my mom's bushes were.
The Harvent Lane collection from Simple Stories was perfect to help me put together a quick layout.
Before we went over to my mom's and dad's we all went to the zoo's fall festival. We've gone several times and usually do the kid's activities where they paint a pumpkin, have games, and run through the hay maze. So it was a surprise to hear from ER that she'd rather just see the animals. I guess she's gotten too big for kid's area, since the stuff never changes from year to year. LB was too young to mind so we spent the time visiting our favorite exhibits.
It was very neat to see LB really get into seeing the animals. This was the first time we've been a zoo when he's been really aware of what's going on. He especially liked seeing the seals swim over him in the tunnel. I put several photos from our visit on the second half of this week's spread, using a WRMK page protector. It's a style that's grown on me. I like having the option of putting full sized vertical & horizontal 4X6 photos on one page. I really wish Becky Higgins' would come up with more page protector designs that combine both photo orientations. There really isn't a good place for the journaling cards in this type of design so maybe that's one reason why she hasn't come out with one, so for now I used these. The title circle has been put right on top of the page protector.
Sharing this on Jessica's blog, The Mom Creative.

3 Friends Said:
Hi Katie, I love all your photos in the project life. Visiting from DearCreatives.com
Love the collage of Disney on Ice. How old is ER? I wonder if my eldest would be old enough to sit through it, I know he would probably love to go.
I think I've seen you use that WRMK protector before and I'm always impressed with how great it looks. I may have to look into that brand when I'm ready to make my purchases for next year.
Hi Katie, We are following in your ice skates and going to Disney on Ice this weekend. I haven;t told Mia yet... she will flip out!
Your Project Life layouts are inspiring me... part of my wants to start TODAY! I finally have a bit more time and I so miss scrapbooking! xo
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