The big event this week was our 12th wedding anniversary. At the top, that's Brad holding the gift I made him, an Oh the Places We've Lived state display to commemorate each of the homes we've shared. You can read more about that project and see where I found the hip modern state silhouettes in this post.
My parents watched the kiddos so we could go out for a romantic dinner together, well or as romantic as you can get on a Sunday afternoon. Oh well, that's when we could get you better believe we went! My mom took that picture of the two of us. Now that we have kids, it's funny how rare a picture of us as a couple can be.
I was really happy with how the journaling cards came out this week. The Olympics card was a freebie from Crash Notes. I certainly wanted to mention the Olympics in PL since they did consume two weeks of our television time but didn't have the "perfect" way until I saw these. I'm so grateful for the bloggers who are generous enough to share their talents!
The little blue card I lightly stamped lines on to and then added some rub-ons. I don't make many artistic cards from scratch so it was fun to play around a bit.
The filler card is another freebie, this time from Honeybee Vintage. Next to that is another card I did some stamping on. I wanted the 12 for our anniversary to be subtle so instead of writing around it, I went right over it. I love how it turned out, simple but effective.
There's one insert this week and it was quick to put together because I wanted to be able to read both sides. Really, PL is just perfect for things like postcards. Now they're protected but still readable.
The second of the half of the week has some cute pictures of my kiddos playing in the new tunnel LB got for his birthday and of them both enjoying the new applesauce pouches we tried. They were a huge hit! I was kinda surprised, I've never liked the stuff. LB especially likes to show off his independence and walk around with his. I know the pictures look a little weird. He's wearing a diaper and I removed part of the photos and replaced it with color selected from the same picture.
The middle section of the page is about ER attending vacation bible school. I took the logo for the theme that came home on a flier and added my journaling right on top, it's printed out on vellum. Sharing at The Mom Creative :)

2 Friends Said:
I love the little note cards, so cute!
I had to laugh about the Sunday afternoon date. We take what we can get too. I few times our "dates" have been going out to eat and then grocery shopping. LOL!
I was so excited to see the Spice Girls during the Olympics! I used to listen to them as a kid and it was funny to see it as an adult.
Great pages! :)
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