This one isn't that exciting, I didn't take very many pictures and I almost didn't bother sharing it, since I am several weeks behind with posting my weeks. But I did do two things I haven't tried before so I decided to share any way.
The kraft date label is from Martha Stewart's Staple's line. I've been into stamping a bit more lately and like the homemade feel of the stamped dates. There are four stories told on this half: a visit before Grandma Norma left for a trip to Russia, LB's new milk obsession, using our Girl Scout Cookie money, and working the Girl Scout booth at our town's fair.
I didn't take any pictures at the Girl Scout office, my camera was left at home. It ended up being a big moment for ER so I regretted that. She was so excited to use the cookie money she got back from selling Girl Scout cookies. It seemed like she looked at everything! The cookie money comes this little card, so I snagged it for PL and make a little pocket for it. Mainly because ER wasn't too sure about giving it to me. I don't think she wanted it glued down. This way she can take it out and hold it from time to time. I wrote on the back of the card what she finally picked to buy with it.
The rest of this week was devoted to the bridal shower my good friend Margaret threw for our fellow Kappa Delta sorority sister. She spent hours working on it and I helped her by listening and by being a sounding board. I also helped come up with the idea for the centerpieces. Everything went really smoothly and it was a nice afternoon. I got to see another sister I don't connect with too often and it was fun to catch up. We both have sons with the same name.
I wanted to include the invitation, because it was the subject of much debate but didn't want to use another specialty insert. I decided to fill the pockets with paper, there was a chocolate brown and Tiffany blue theme, and then attach it right on top. It's not really precious so I'm okay with it being "exposed" and not inside of a protector. I really like the look.Sharing this at The Mom Creative.

1 Friends Said:
That is so cool you put the card in. Bummer you left your camera at home. Why is it that those are the times we need it the most?!
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