Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Day Camp, Online with The Craft Nest and Yours Truly!

Now that we're well into July, perhaps a little summer boredom is beginning to set in with the kiddos?  I've got the perfect solution!  It's time for an online Summer Day Camp featuring fun projects and crafts for the kids and hosted by Alanna from The Craft Nest.

Here are the projects so far and I'll be adding to this post as more are added each week so you'll be able to find them all here in one handy reference.  Plus I'll be sharing the projects each week.  I can't wait to see what our four instructors have in store for us.  We'd love for you to join each week and let us know if you do any of the craft projects!

Summer Camp Projects:

The first post is already up and it's fantastic!  My daughter likes Alanna's Hula Hoop Hide Out so much she's already asking me that when she gets her new bed, will I make one so she can have a canopy all the time.  Click the link for the tutorial!
Project #2 is from Amanda at Ninth Street Notions.  Her Found Object Mobile is the perfect thing to use up all the bits and pieces you kids find, and that normally end up in their pockets. 
Project #3: Learn how to make friendship pins like these at The Craft Nest with Alanna

Project #4 is my own :)  Find out how to make Thumbprint Pendants, with my easy tutorial and make one of a kind wearable art.

1 comment:

  1. Off to check the post out, that looks like a neat project for the kids!


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