Most Beautiful Dog
Ugliest Dog
"Doganista"/Best Dressed Dog
Dog that Most Resembles its Owner
C'mon now I know all you proud doggy owners have got loads of pictures you could enter! So head on over and do it for a chance...and here's the most exciting part... for a chance at having your dog become a limited edition GUND plush just like the Boo!!! Only this time it might be your pet pooch available at toy and gift stores in 2013. Now that is one cool prize! Imagine going into stores and seeing your pet on the shelves, you'd have some serious bragging rights!
But hurry, you only have until August 5, 2012 to upload your photos to GUND's Facebook page! ( Then get ready to vote from August 6-15. Winners will be chosen the week of August 20th and announced the week of August 27th.
If Facebook isn't your thing, then you can also take part of GUND's "Most Pinteresting Dog" Contest and post your entry on your Pinterest boards, tagged with @GUNDMostPinterestingDog. Then just submit your link to GUND at The “Most Pinteresting Dog” Contest winner will be selected based on the number of times the entry is “liked” on the GUND Pinterest board and the winner will receive a selection of GUND products valued at $250 retail.
For complete rules, see “Top Dog” Contest and “Most Pinteresting Dog” Contest rules at

Disclosure: I'm sharing this contest with my readers because 1) I think it's pretty cool and 2) I'll receive a cute GUND plush dog for my kiddo, who loves doggies! But mainly because I know lots of proud doggy parents who'd love this fun and simple way to show off their pooch. Information was provided via a PR rep.
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