This afternoon, I greeted a first grader as she got off the bus.
My soon to be six year old, the time has flown. You are such a big girl now and I think the last day is actually harder than the first. I will miss you so much when you are in school all day next year. I will miss our quiet mornings, making breakfast with you, and going for walks before bus time. But I am excited to continue to watch you grow into the beautiful young lady you are becoming!

8 Friends Said:
Hi Katie, hope you are all doing well. She is getting so big. It is crazy. I'm saying hello to a middle schooler soon and Zoe will be off to kindergarten. They grow so fast.
So sweet! I can't believe she'll be in first grade already! Time sure goes fast!
She's such a happy looking little girl! As sad as it is to seen one phase go, there are many delights in the next one. ~ Maureen
She's such a happy looking little girl! As sad as it is to seen one phase go, there are many delights in the next one. ~ Maureen
Congrats ER!! I have enjoyed watching you grow the last few years and can not wait to see what new adventures await you.
Oh my goodness! Time surely has flown! What a beautiful baby I recall when I first met you blogging and what a beautiful 1st grader she is now!
I have been out of the blog loop! But after my 3 month blog break, I have finally posted my recent post and also wanted to do some blog visiting of those blogs on my sidebar. Hope all is well and I surely miss dear blog visits from friends such as you!
Blessings & Aloha!
If you have a chance, I hope you stop by.
Katie, she has grown up so much. What a beauty! I can not believe our girls are headed to 1st grade in the fall!!!
That picture of E and your husband says it all! Happy and a little wistful. What a gorgeous young lady you have.
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