In my dreams, my home looks like the pages of a Ballard Designs catalog and one thing I've always wanted are the beautiful big cork boards from them. Now I can get the same look, without the hefty price tag, isn't this Travel Map Cork Board from Just a Little Creative fun?
I finally broke down and added Angry Birds to my NookColor and my daughter, and my husband too - although he won't admit to it, are now obsessed. I got the biggest kick out of these Angry Bird Tiles from Moments with the Montano's.
Talk about obsessions, seriously this thumbnail from Signs by Andrea had me at "Pinterest", LOL! I think this is one that for many of us, would really be saying something. I don't know about you, but I love Pinterest. So if I love you more...well consider yourself lucky!
Anyone who's been reading my blog for awhile knows about my healthy obsession with handprint projects. Just love them, each and every one! If you're going to make art, it might as well include those itty bitty finger and chubby little kiddo palms! Love how perfectly the Sea Life Hand Print project done at The NY Melrose Family matches their bathroom's theme. And while you're there check out the fun Standing Photo Block she also did recently.
Well no list of my obsessions could ever be complete without bringing up paper crafts, I got the room full of paper and tools to back that statement up! Aren't these Guess Hoo Loves You matching Gift Bag and Card from Silver Boxes just adorable?
Well ladies, I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for proving I'm not alone in my obsessions! Grab your Featured On Button and display with pride!

Party Guidelines
1. Link up to four of your creative projects (No Etsy stores or other linky parties pretty please).
2. Add your link to the specific posts not the main URL.
3. Add a "Crafty Soiree" button to your blog or posts.
4. Please comment on the post linked up in front of you. All partygoers love meeting new friends... don't just stop there...if you see something that catches your fancy-- stop by and say hi!
5. Your hostesses would love it if you'd follow us. You can find Malia here.
5 Friends Said:
Thanks so much for the feature, Katie!!
XOXO, Melysa
Awesome party! Every week there is so much creativity here! Thanks for hosting!
Thank you so much for the feature Katie! It's my first so I'm a little excited! I kept the sea life theme running and we repurposed a stool with the same technique. I'm not sure who had more fun, Riley or me. Thanks again.
Great linky party this week, tons to look at! Thanks for featuring my map from last week :)
Thanks for hosting!
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