This giveaway is now closed thank you to everyone who entered and congrats to #5 Alison @ OhMyVera! who said... I follow on google friends!
Have you heard about Pine Bros Softish Throat Drops? I hadn't, even though they have been around since 1870 and Americans have been using them to sooth their sore throats for over 140 years. These delightful softish drops, that are slightly chewy with an amazing taste, began gaining fame when...
In 1870 J. Herman Pine hung out a confectionery shingle on 8th Street above Walnut in Philadelphia and, along with his brother, sold their first batch of what they called 'Pine Brothers Glycerine Tablets.' In an attempt to relieve his own sore throat and those of his family members, Mr. Pine, a former German confectionery maker, determined that by combining the soothing natural qualities of glycerin with the healing properties of gum acacia, he could sooth and mitigate the mild discomfort of a sore throat. Add in some natural flavoring and a sweetener and voila, Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops were born. "I have discovered something," Pine wrote, "which will give quick throat relief to thousands afflicted as I was." He added,"Perhaps I won't make much money out of this. But I can make people happy, and that's more important than money." Mr. Pine was being unduly modest, as his "discovery" would become one of the most successful, most delicious and most unique throat lozenges in the world. Nor has the recipe changed appreciably since it was first introduced to the public over 140 years ago.
How on earth did I miss them before? I asked among my neighbors and several remembered them from their childhood, as the drops reached their height of popularity in the 70s. Due to a number of changes in ownership in recent years, the softish drop, well "dropped" off the radar for most Americans.
After 15 years, Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops are back! Happily the creator and former owner of Airborne, Victoria Knight-McDowell, for her new company 3 Sisters Home Products™ have now aquired them and given Pine Bros. new life. It's given them a chance to make more people happy. I think that's just like Mr. Pine would have wanted. Even though I hadn't heard of them before I love Airborne so I decided if the creator of it decided Pine Bros. was the way to go, I'd give it a try!
Now that I have, I'm addicted! They taste so good, not all yucky and medicinal like some throat drops do. The biggest surprise, has been how much my daughter likes them, normally she is anti anything that even remotely seems like "medicine". We were sent the Natural Honey and Wild Cherry Flavors, which we tried when both ER and I came down with a doozy of a cold right after Christmas.
The Natural Honey is my favorite. It's mild honey flavor with a hint of sweetness was just perfect for soothing my sore throat. Honey I associate in my mind, with comfort. It evokes images of cozy nights, cuddled underneath blankets during wintry snowy days, probably because I like honey in my tea! So it just mentally made me feel better too! They not only taste great but smell great too. Something I discovered as I began to feel better and my nose had cleared up a bit.
The puck packaging is great. The hard container makes them easy to find in my purse and keeps the drops safe in the car and on the go. The screw off lid of the puck makes it easy to refill with drops from the bags they are also available in. The pucks are so much more convenient and portable for keeping by you all day when you've got a sore throat.
ER preferred the Wild Cherry. Or rather I should say, she is crazy for the Wild Cherry which has a bolder flavor than the honey. I thought it might taste like candy and be so sweet that your teeth almost hurt. I was love how it's the perfect balance of bright cherry taste and sweetness, no fake tasting flavors or after taste. She loves them and so will your kids, they're safe for little ones over 3 years.
Besides a fantastic product, another reason to like Pine Bros. is that they're made in America. We always try to support American made! They're also just 5 calories a drop, and for my fellow diabetics only 2g of carbohydrates so you don't have to worry about one throwing off your meal plans and sugar levels.
Find Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops at your local Walgreens, CVS, and these retailers. I will be checking my local retailers for the Lemon-Citrus, to pick them up as soon as they're out! Licorice is another flavor coming soon. You can also purchase available flavors online.
One reader will win both flavors of the Softish Throat Drops, that we reviewed!
Win an eight pack of Wild Cherry Pucks and an eight pack of Natural Honey Pucks from Pine Bros. These have a MSRP of $47.84!
To Enter:
Leave a comment on this post. I'd love to know if you are new to Pine Bros. or if they're an favorite you're happy to see again!
For Extra Entries:
Follow Pine Bros. on Twitter, leave a link with your Twitter ID.
Fan Pine Bros. on Facebook, leave a comment with your profile name ON THIS POST.
Just a Note - You'll want to follow Pine Bros. both places because they often have even more chances to win some of their awesome drops there!
For more...Keep in touch - follow me on Google friends, subscribe with email, etc. I'd also love for you to help spread the word! Facebook it, tweet it, etc. Just leave me an extra comment for each one so I can give you all the chances you're entitled to!
Giveaway open to US residents now through February 17th, midnight EST. Winner will be chosen via, emailed, and have 48 hours to respond. Good luck!
***Updated 2/8 to extend giveaway period.

Disclosure: Complimentary samples and additional product were provided. However, this did not in any way influence my opinions. The experiences related within are personal and unbiased. This giveaway will be fullfilled and sent directly from Pine Bros.
12 Friends Said:
i love that they are doing this....and would love to try the new ones!
I have never tried Pine Brothers drops before; I wonder if they are available in my area?
I tend to have lots of throat issues (strep throat tends to hit me at least once a year) so I am always on the lookout for something new to help soothe my situation, especially this time of the year! :-)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I've never tried the Pine Bros. drops. Since I tend to have a lot of sore throats I would love to try these. Thank you so much for having the giveaway :) I'll have to find out if they are available in my area.
I have never heard of these before. They would be nice to share at work, seems like there is always someone who is a little under the weather.
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I've never heard of or tried Pine Bros.
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I'm a facebook fan of Katie's Nesting Spot under username Jennie Tilson.
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