The first half of last week was really busy and I was preoccupied with planning ER's Daisy Investiture Ceremony so I thought I might not have enough to make it through Saturday. But it turns out I had to decide between photos to figure out which stories I really wanted to tell. PL has really gotten me taking a lot more photos, which is great! Now maybe my kids won't wonder why I have stacks of beaten up paperbacks!
- Sunday: Nearly six months old and able to get up on all fours. He's been rocking and flopping, which moves him a little bit forward each time. He's been army crawling a bit too. Oh boy, crawling will be next and then we'll never have a quiet second again, he'll be into everything!
- Monday: Crock Pot Mondays have been instituted to help get a healthy home cooked meal in the table after ER's two dance classes from 4:30-6:00 PM. Otherwise, it would be too easy to resort to the drive through. We've had luck with chili's and pot roast but you can't eat those every week. Unfortunately, the two attempts to branch out to soups have been misses. At least this soup looks tempting, it was just missing something in reality.
- Tuesday: ER's Daisy Investiture Ceremony, this is when the girls officially became girl scouts. Each got their Daisy Membership pin, 100th Anniversary Pin - celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouts, their Daisy Center - for knowing the Daisy Promise, and a Money Sense Pin. I made the certificates each girl received and am the leader shaking ER's hand in blue above.
- Wednesday: I finally sent of some happy mail to my friends Sharon and Steph. You can see part of what I sent Sharon here and here. I made each a version of the card shown above, that particular one is for my Godmother who recently underwent a bout with cancer and now has pneumonia. It's been one thing after another for her. I've been trying to send more handmade snail mail and she's definitely one who could use a little love via the postal service.
- Thursday: My mom introduced me to the The Cat Who series when I first started getting interested in mysteries. I've got each book, except for the last one which was terrible. I donated it so I wouldn't have a constant reminder of how badly the series deteriorated. The author's photo showed an ancient writer when I first started reading in the late 80's so I suspect there is a ghost writer or she's so old she can't write 'em like she used to. I love book series and this one has been a favorite since the first one. I've been revisiting them all week long.
- Friday: Oh man does the baby have stinky feet! I've been thinking it was me and trying everything from constant sock changes, to foot soaks, etc. to fix it. My husband's the one who said it was LB. I think it's because his shoes were made out of synthetic material and I would sometimes put him in them without socks. His feet couldn't breathe and got all sweaty. That's what I am hoping. We went to Target and got him some cute puppy shoes, that say genuine leather on them. When things say stuff like that, I always wonder, as opposed to what? Fake genuine leather?
- Saturday: Birthday party time, ER at Chuck E Cheese for our neighbor's 8th birthday party. It's bittersweet, they'll be moving to FL next month and it's kind of like a last hurrah of fun for all the kids. I hate it when things change and people move!
Thanks for dropping by, leave me a comment even if you don't have any answers, so I can be sure to come see your PL!

Linking up to The Mom Creative and One Happy Mama