Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Crafty Soiree #66

Happy December!  Are you all ready for a busy month?  I'm not, and am trying to tell myself it's okay if somethings remain undone with a four month old at home with me!  Thanks for coming by to party and show off your mad skills!  While you here I hope you get some inspiration and please check out my current giveaways, links at the top right column!
Happy first day of December!  Are any of you also doing planning to make Daily December albums like Jenny at Embellishing Life? Get a glimpse at her inside pages by clicking over!
Sherry at Ties to the Past shows us all how to make a banner, the steps are adaptable to any season or holiday.  I love the burlap and the berries!
Aren't these Snow Jars from The Answer is Chocolate, and isn't that a great name for a blog?!  I have been wanting to make snow jars with ER for a couple of years and am already planning to save some glass baby food jars from when LB starts eating solids for next year.  But after reading that she uses pickle jars, I realize this may be our year to make some!

Party Guidelines
1.  Link up to four of your creative projects (No Etsy stores or other linky parties pretty please).  
2.  Add your link to the specific posts not the main URL.
3.  Add a "Crafty Soiree" button to your blog or posts.
4.  Please comment on the post linked up in front of you.  All partygoers love meeting new friends... don't just stop there...if you see something that catches your fancy-- stop by and say hi!
5.  Your hostesses would love it if you'd follow us. You can find Malia here.
Let's Party!


1 comment:

Thank you for visiting my blog, I really appreciate your taking the time to stop by. I love reading all your comments and meeting new friends.