Today I'm thrilled to have a tutorial from Lauren, who's shop is Crocheting for Babies. She has put together a great door decoration that is a great way to use your child's outgrown ice skates you may have laying around the house.
Hi! I am Lauren and I blog over at Tutus & Tea Parties. This is my very first guest post and I am so thrilled to be here at Katie's Nesting Spot. If you have never been to Tutus & Tea Parties you should come stop by and say hello! I have a toddler so I blog about fun recipes for kids, learning through play, and some tutorials for the grown ups too!
Hi! I am Lauren and I blog over at Tutus & Tea Parties. This is my very first guest post and I am so thrilled to be here at Katie's Nesting Spot. If you have never been to Tutus & Tea Parties you should come stop by and say hello! I have a toddler so I blog about fun recipes for kids, learning through play, and some tutorials for the grown ups too!
Today I am going to share with you a simple door decoration for winter.
If you happen to have a pair of old ice skates laying around {which I did} it is a pretty cheap project to take on. I think it cost me a total of $3 to make this!
{as opposed to the $29.95 you would need to spend on this shipping}
Here's what you need:
- an ice skate
- some floral decoration branches {I got 3 at Walmart for $0.97 each...score!}
- a couple small pine cones if you wish
- something to hang it on {a hook or what not}
Then I just tied the laces to form a loop and hung it up.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy...just the way I like things!
Thank you for having me and I hope you stop by my blog and check it out! :)
Here's a couple other popular tutorials you might enjoy:
Thanks so much Lauren for this awesome tute, we happen to have a spare pair collecting dust in our basement and this would be a much better use for them! I'm honored to be your first guest post! Don't forget to also visit Lauren's shop Crocheting for Baby!

1 Friends Said:
Thank you so much! I would love to see how yours turns out if you end up making one! :)
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