This giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered. Your participation helps me get more fun opportunities for you! Congratulations to Kathy, comment #6, who said, "Thanks for the chance to win."
Remember when I blogged about Carmex® Lime Twist and Carmex® Vanilla click sticks? Sure you do, cause you read every.single.brilliant.word I write, right? LOL, okay so I know you probably don't. The only reason I'm bringing that up again is because I flaked on the dates for the giveaway information to be in to the sponsor so I wasn't able to give any of my readers some Carmex® goodness. Well not this time!!! And I know you're all gonna want and need this, with winter around the corner. That's when my hands get all dry and cracked. It used to happen a lot when I was still teaching and washing my hands a hundred times a day. Yours get that way too? Read on my fellow sufferer!I have one of these fabulous kits to give away! Whoohoo!!! Included are:
- 1 Carmex Healing Lotion
- 1 Carmex Healing Cream
- 1 Travel size Carmex Healing Lotion
- 1 Travel size Carmex Healing Cream
How to Enter:
Leave me a comment, any comment, but how 'bout telling me your favorite thing about winter? Mine is looking out at newly fallen snow...when I don't have anywhere to go or need to dig myself out that is.
Extra Entries:
Extra Entries:
Keep in touch - follow on Google friends, subscribe with email, etc. I'd also love for you to help spread the word! Facebook it, tweet it, etc. Just leave me an extra comment for each one so I can give you all the chances you're entitled to!
Giveaway open to US residents now through November 28th midnight EST. Winner will be chosen via, contacted by email, and 48 hours to respond or the prize will be forfeit. Good luck and thanks for entering!

Disclosure: I'm a member of the Carmex® Blog Squad and get complimentary products to try out and give to you :) All experiences and opinions related within are strictly personal and unbiased. No other compensation was received but seriously, getting a box of Carmex® love is quite enough!
25 Friends Said:
I LOVE snow days - an unexpected day off from school/work, and no rush to go anywhere.
I follow you with GFC =)
And I subscribe by email =)
I already follow through Google!! Love it.
Hmmm, favorite thing during the winter? Watching the snow fall. It is hypnotizing.
Thanks for the chance to win.
my fave is snowdays with the kids
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
gfc debijackson
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
My favourite thing about winter is snuggling up in a warm blanket, with a coffee and a good book. Especially when it's snowing out!!
Since I have a toddler, I also love playing out in the snow with him.
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I love sipping hot chocolate infront of the fire after skiing...never done it except in my daydreams!!
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I love to ski in the snow
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This year my fav thing about winter will be all the snow! It will be quite a change for us but, we are excited!
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Fav about winter is decorating for the holidays!
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