Over the weekend our favorite step brothers from Danville and their friends were in town with "Phineas and Ferb: The Best Live Tour Ever." We had awesome seats on the floor of the arena, with great views of the non-stop dancing and singing. It was really fun to hear all our favorite songs from the show recreated live.
Our time in Danville went by all to quickly, the show seemed to fly by even though including the intermission it was around an hour and a half. Out of the live FELD shows we seen, we thought this one had an especially large amount of non-stop dancing. It was very high energy! Brad was very impressed by Buford, joking he had no idea he was such a talented dancer. Kudos to the actor, must be hard to do it with that bulky costume on.
As fans of the television show know, the premise is, it's the last day of summer vacation. This time the kids want to put on the best show ever. They come together to brainstorm ideas for the show and as to be expected Phineas and Ferb design and build a fantastic machine to help them pick which one to do.
Each character put forth a suggestion and the results of two of them being randomly combined resulted in hilarious plots. The monster trucks and marshmallows was an especially fun one but I think ER's favorite was the golf and disco number.
"Hey, where is Perry?" Now it wouldn't be Phineas and Ferb without the boy's pet platypus slash secret agent. He was there and needed all his skills to foil Dr. Doofenschmirtz's evil plans!
Speaking of the doctor, his crazy ideas had us all laughing as usual. His diabolical plans to control the audience....well you'll just have to see the show to find out how that went!
About 42 minutes into the show, and we know it was 42 minutes because Phineas said that we'd been sitting for that long, there was intermission. Lots of Phineas and Ferb themed souveniers were available and ER chose an Agent P shaped cup filled with two big scoops of snow cone for hers. Watching so much action makes you thirsty!
I really liked how the live show really was like one of the cartoon episodes come to life, down to the switching back and forth between the brothers and their storyline and the Agent P/ Doofenschmirtz action. I feel somewhat disloyal to my classic Disney characters by saying this was my favorite FELD performance so far. I think it's one of the best for the whole family too, as both boys and girls will like it AND their parents! I think Brad was the most excited about the show, even more so than the five year old. The show does a good job merging the action on stage with what's on the screen. They work well together and it was definitely a good time!
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Disclaimer: I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events. Even though I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine.
1 Friends Said:
This show looks so fun! Unfortunately, it won't be coming near us :( We did just see Disney Celebrates 100 Years of Magic and it was amazing!
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