I have a fabulous giveaway today, one of you will win FIVE new DVD titles from NCircle Entertainment, the leading distributor of non-theatrical children’s DVDs in the U.S., perfect for the six-and-under set. Featuring both beloved classic characters, such as The Cat in the Hat, and newer “soon-to-be” classics, such as the Australian hit, The Fairies, all five releases reflect NCircle’s promise of delivering Entertainment that Educates!
Ideal for seasonal viewing, or as stocking stuffers on Christmas Eve, the five DVDs included are sure to delight young children this winter. Here is a little bit about each:
Suggested Retail Price: $9.99
The newest DVD from The Wiggles is a real treat for the entire family filled with 14 original new tunes and seasonal favorites. It’s the first holiday DVD in seven years from the gang from Down Under, featuring special celebrity guests in performances filmed around the globe. In "It's Always Christmas With You," The Wiggles travel across three continents where they discover the diverse ways the holidays are celebrated by different cultures.
Suggested retail price: $9.99
This brand new DVD contains three episodes from the popular PBS Kids series that premiered in fall 2010, The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That!, “starring” the voice of actor-comedian Martin Short. The four episodes on this learning-and-fun-filled DVD are: Snowman’s Land, Flight of the Penguin, A Long Winter’s Nap and Reindeer Games.
Suggested retail price: $9.99
A brand new DVD from the multiple Emmy Award-winning PBS Kids series, WordWorld, featuring three holiday-themed episodes – The Christmas Star, A Christmas Present for Dog, and Duck’s Family Reunion – plus a bonus music video, Dancing Dog.
Suggested retail price: $9.99
From the phenomenally popular Australian preschool series, The Fairies, comes the premiere of their first-ever holiday DVD for U.S. audiences. It’s 60 minutes of magical fun, with classic carols and new songs that will have little ones singing and dancing to the music all winter long!
Suggested retail price: $9.99
NCircle’s debut DVD from this charming animated UK series will unlock preschoolers’ imaginations as they try on all the fantastic winter treasures in Chloe’s Closet. The DVD features four episodes from the PBS Kids Sprout series: On Frozen Pond, Best in Snow, Icing Escapades and Getting to Snow You.
Our Holiday DVD Package:
My daughter was absolutely thrilled when the DVDs came right before Thanksgiving, they feature some of her favorite characters. They are also the perfect thing to get the whole family in the holiday mood. She was so excited to see The Fairies Christmas Wishes in Fairyland and wanted to open it immediately. She also couldn't wait to see the Chloe's Closet Winter Wonderland because she loves watching that show on Sprout.
WordWorld has long been a favorite show to watch on PBS, it's one right before we leave for school. I love how educational it is, teaching letters and word building. She always enjoys singing along with the Wiggles and I think it'll be the perfect DVD to have playing while we decorate the tree; we loving listening to the Wiggles! We had not seen any epsiodes of the new Cat in the Hat series on PBS before this, but since he's one of my favorite book characters and Martin Short is fabulous, I know it'll soon be a family favorite too. Each of the DVDs are quality entertainment perfect for preschoolers and early elementary aged kids.
One reader will win a DVD package from NCircle Entertainment, with each of the five titles featured in this post.
To Enter:
Leave me a comment on this post, I'd love to know one of your family's favorite holiday traditions.
Extra Entries:
Keep in touch - follow on Google friends, subscribe with email, etc. I'd also love for you to help spread the word! Facebook it, tweet it, etc. Just leave me an extra comment for each one so I can give you all the chances you're entitled to!
Giveaway open to US residents now through December 3rd midnight EST. Winner will be chosen via random.org, contacted by email, and 48 hours to respond or the prize will be forfeit. Good luck and thanks for entering!

Disclosure: Complimentary DVDs were provided. The experiences and opinions related within are both personal and unbiased. No other compensation was received.
57 Friends Said:
My favorite tradition is an ornament for a gift and the Jesse tree!
We also give handmade ornaments to each child and grandson. We also have our gift opening on Christmas Eve b/c so many of us are in Nursing. (Gotta have your Nurses no matter what holiday it is.)
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I'd love to win this for my darling Grandson Conner. He is 4 and loves books and movies. We watch Sid the Science kid every morning before Pre school. We got to see The Cat in the hat on Friday while he was out of school. He adores The cat in the hat stories.
Thanks Katie for another fabulous giveaway.
we love to give jammmies and set our cookies on christmas eve. amypugmire@live.com
email subscriber. amypugmire@live.com
We also give handmade ornaments to each child and grandson. We also have our gift opening on Christmas Eve b/c so many of us are in Nursing. (Gotta have your Nurses no matter what holiday it is.)
I tweeted, I follow you on Pinterest, I get your daily blog, I tweeted you, I follow on facebook as well.
I'd love to win this for my darling Grandson Conner. He is 4 and loves books and movies. We watch Sid the Science kid every morning before Pre school. We got to see The Cat in the hat on Friday while he was out of school. He adores The cat in the hat stories.
Thanks Katie for another fabulous giveaway.
tweet. amypugmire@live.com
our tradition includes throwing walnuts on the roof to look like hoof prints. If the kids see round black "things" in snow....
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
We always get a new ornament for the kids to add to their collection
ctymice at gmail dot com
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ctymice at gmail dot com
I love decorating the tree together drinking hot cocoa & eating Christmas cookies.
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One of our favorite traditions is the purchase of one brand new special ornament that reflects something special that our family has done at sometime in the year.
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Glenda M
Our tradition is making caramel popcorn balls of various colors then eating them during movie marathons!
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One tradition is that we open all family presents on Christmas Eve, something that has been done for at least five generations!
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My grandchildren come over early Christmas morning to open gifts and have a brunch later.
Thanks for the giveaway
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we bake cookies and set some out on Christmas Eve
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we always go out to eat at a restaurant on Christmas eve...no dishes!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
We go out as a family one night a week to look at lights
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we've made a gingerbread house every year since I've met my husband and now of course our kids participate (newborn, 2 and 3 1/2} its messy but fun!
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we drive to orlando and spend christmas at nana's cookie baking cider drinking it is a great time..
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I got my 5 DVDs today and my Grandson's eyes were as wide as saucers when he saw them. Took a few minutes for him to decide what he wanted to watch first. All are great and with his extra learning they are coming in very handy.
Thanks Katie for sponsoring them and a special thanks to NCircle Entertainment for the DVD prize package.
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