Monday, August 1, 2011

Carefree Summer Kit Release: Freebie & Giveaway

I'm taking a break from blogging to be with our new baby, born last Friday, but wanted to pop in and share the newest kit release from Louise at Adorible Digital Designs.  Things have been a little quiet on the design team front as I was already on maternity leave from my responsibilities for the last kit and am still officially off.  I made this digi layout last month, while still pregnant.  Even though being on the computer too long often made my feet swell and made me a little stiff and sore I just couldn't resist playing around with the newest release, Carefree Summer!

I love that pastel striped paper I used behind my pictures and the flowers.  I think of them as stickers, as the white outline reminds me of the kind I used to collect as a child and that I now use all the time with paper scrapbook pages.  All the fabulous colors used in the kit give me so many options!

Freebie Alert :) 

Here's a link to my digi page as a Quick Page, free for you!  It's got two photo spots and lots of room for journaling because the story behind the photos is always one of the most important parts of a page for me.  I want to remember the story of that day and moment; it's my main reason for scrapbooking! 
Visit all the Design Team members to collect more goodies!  You should have come from Louise and the next stop is Tiffany on the Blog Train.  But first here's a little bit more about the kit Carefree Summer, we all used.  As you can see from the element preview above, it's perfect for this time of year!  The soft colors are really soothing and it's perfect for all the water fun, days at the beach, and sweet treats I hope your days are filled with.
Here's the Word Art Strips I used in my title, there's a great variety covering all sorts of things like trips to the shore, carnivals, times spent with family, and all those lazy summer days.  It's great how Louise thought of so many different summery phrases to include, I know I'm going to be turning to these over and over!
There's even more Word Art in this kit, and these make creating pages even more of a snap because each one could be used as a premade title.  I combined two of the words along with the Word Art Strips to make my title extra fun, but I promise you it was so easy and took no time at all to combine the elements for the cool eclectic look.

Win It!

Hurry over to Adorible Digital Designs for a chance to win a copy of the kit, Carefree Summer!  It's the perfect addition to your digi collection, perfect for the season and to get you scrappin' those warm weather pictures right now!  Please note only comments left on Louise's post will count as entries to win the kit!

More Fun!

C'mon back tomorrow, as I'll be sharing another freebie on my blog tomorrow, this time a baby themed one with Bundle of Joy, Boy. But if just can't's already up on Adorible Digital Designs.


Disclosure: As a member of Adorible Digital Design's Design Team, I receive access to kits to create promotional items.


  1. Congratulations on your new baby!!
    I hope everything went well and that your baby grows healthy and strong.
    Best wishes.

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