Friday, July 22, 2011

Goodbye Borders

You've probably heard by now that Borders has filed for bankruptcy.  The liquidation of their stores begins today.  This is particularly sad for us because they are not only a Michigan based company, their headquarters are in the university town near ours.  For all intents and purposes, it's like the local bookstore on the corner is closing, and not a large corporation. 

We have one location in particular that we especially love, a concept store that's only a few years old.  It's large and airy, parking is plentiful and convienient, and we go on average once a week or every other.  We have spent many hours there perusing their Children's section with it's colorful mural, sipping my favorite nonfat decaf lattes, and flipping through colorful magazines.  We use our Member's Reward Card regularly and support literature with purchases often.

Finally accepting that the inevitable, and believe me I was in deep denial for a long time, we went there last Tuesday to see it one last time as it was; as we'll remember it.  It was sad, I know it might be silly but I get emotionally attached to places and this is one store I'll miss...a lot.



  1. That's a real shame. We just found out that our local toy store is closing down, 2 others will remain but one is aimed at older kids and the other is so expensive its not really an option. We used to enjoy going in and letting the kids play with all the toys, the staff were fantastic like that.

    What upsets me more is that a mobile phone shop is taking its place, meaning we will have 9 in our town!

    Its a crazy world when book stores are closing down only for mobile phone shops to spring up! Shame

  2. We had a few Borders around here close too in this last year. It is sad. We went and got some good deals but it is just sad to have one less book store.

  3. It really is sad, but the internet really killed places like Borders. It's so much cheaper to buy many things online.

    Our Borders closed several months ago, but I was bummed to hear that all of them are closing now.

  4. I was really bummed when I saw ours was closing last year. In our city we have a The Half Price Bookstore and that has now become our favorite spot.
    Hope you have a great weekend.


  5. I get really sad when my fave stores close too. There's been so many.

  6. Katie, I feel the same way about our local Barnes and Noble- we spend similar family weekends together drinking coffee and juice, and reading for hours (or as long as the kids will tolerate it!). I'd be devastated if it closed. I'm sorry for your "loss".
    Hope you are feeling well! Just a few more weeks!


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