Friday, July 15, 2011

Baby Goodness on Etsy: Purchases and Wish Lists

My good friend Margaret, who I mention frequently on my blog, knows how crazy I am about handmade.  She acknowledges that she's not really into actually making stuff herself, but is such a good friend she tracked down an adorable Ball Sports Set on Etsy for our baby.  I love the primary colors and sports theme of the set she got from Pink Swan Boutique.  She also gave us a really cool baseball that you record the baby's birth details on, cause she knows what baseball fanatics we are!

I am patiently waiting for a pair of these Little Button Loafers, a special request for my mom.  I found the pattern on Etsy at Sylver Designs and I can't wait to see them!  My mom likes knitting over crocheting so I think that's partially the reason behind the delay in getting them finished for me.  When they're done I'll be sure to show them off on Baby's little feet!
Even though my mom knits and crochets, sometimes even she doesn't have time to fill all my orders!  I know, the nerve, LOL!  Last time I had it in my mind that I just HAD to have an apple hat.  This time around it's a bear hat.  I'm planning on ordering this Crochet Baby Bear Hat from Maybe Matilda

She lets you choose your colors (I'm thinking cream with brown trim and earflaps), is really nice and answers your questions, has a great blog, and her price are really reasonable.  I've been yarn shopping with my mom, $18 for the yarn plus more importantly the crocheting I couldn't do in my wildest imagination makes it well worth the price.  And when he's outgrown the bear hat, I'll be moving onto the Puppy Dog style.
Remember the Ultimate Blog Party back in April?  I had so much fun blog hopping, and one I found was Sewplicity.  Jennifer has some great sewing tutorials posted and makes really fun custom high chair covers.  I love the On the Road fabric she used for this cover example, to fancy up your Eddie Bauer chair.  She has covers for several different high chairs brands and fabric styles.  Now if you like a chair's features, you don't have to settle for the fabric the manufacter chooses.  You can be oh so much hipper!
I've also got my eye on one of Jennifer's custom wipes covers because her's are made to fit over oval wipe packages.  They are so attractive, I'd be able to slip one on the package I keep at home and actually leave it out and not have to hide it away in a drawer.  On the Road is also my favorite fabric for this one too, can you guess the theme I'm leaning toward for Baby's room?  Oh and if you sew yourself, you can buy a PDF pattern and make as many as you need.
Speaking of covers, have a Bumbo chair?  We do, it's purple so it could be passable as unisex but isn't this Blue Owl cover from Gumbo Baby so much cuter?  Darn it, if it didn't sell out while I was dilly dallying and trying to make up my mind about it.  
Well I guess it wouldn't be a round of baby goodness from yours truely if a diaper bag weren't included, you know me...the handbag queen.  If you're gonna get one custom made you might as well go for broke right?  I've looked at A LOT of diaper bags on Etsy and from what I can by the pictures, in my opinion the diaper bag sets from Watermelon Wishes are hands down the top of the line.  Many are made from fabric you provide so you get exactly what you want.  The photo above shows a 3 Piece Ultimate Diaper Bag Set example, but I'm a visual person and Andrea does a fabulous job of showing your stunning fabric combinations that just make me want, want, want!
I'll leave you with a little bling.  Now that we're adding a new baby to our family, I'm going to need a new "Pushing Present" so to speak.  Have you heard of those? It's a special gift the Daddy gives the Mommy to commorate the birth of a new child.  I didn't literally push, as ER was a planned C-section due to being breach but I sure did a lot of work to make sure she was born healthy so it was well deserved anyway!

Last time Brad gave me a beautiful pair of diamond and ruby studs, ruby being July's birth stone.  This time around I'm thinking a ring would be nice.  These personalized rings from Christina P Jewelry are so clean and classic looking.  They're interlocked so you won't ever lose one and well priced for a personalized item. 

I've discussed them before but while since I'm talking Etsy, I'll give a shout out to some of my personal favorites: my friend Stephanie at Sew Fierce, the delightful Sharon at Happy Hapa, and Francis at Bibeez Baby, the diaper clutch I won from her continues to impress me.  FYI she's got ruffled ones now!

Have you purchased some baby goodies from Etsy?  Tell me what and from whom, I love word of mouth recommendations!  If you're an Etsy seller with something you think I need, leave a link in the comments so I can come check you out!  There's so much goodness on Etsy it's hard to know where to start looking, point me in the direction of your favorites!

Disclaimer: Unless I specifically mention having purchased or getting an item as a gift I have not seen these products in person.  This is sharing some virtual window shopping.  Nor have I been compensated for sharing them on my blog.  Etsy sellers have been contacted for permission to use their photos, except for the top two, which are from my own personal collection.


  1. I'm still working on the baby's THIRD sweater. I am hitting a creative road block with those "loafer" booties [sigh]. Pray for some stamina for me!! : ) Mom

  2. A bumbo cover?!? What will they think of next?!? I have an Etsy shop with custom monogramming and gifts. Don't have anything baby boy related posted at the moment though, darn!


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