Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Baby Celebration

Last week Brad's coworkers threw us a little baby party and I finally got my very first diaper cake!!!  I've seen these all over the web and even contemplated making one as a gift before.  I think they are such a fun idea!  It was made out of  full box of diapers, burp cloths, crinkle elephant, linky toys, and a soft blanket.  They also gave us a gift card, a big thank you to everyone at his office. 

We also enjoyed cake, which unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture of.  I was so impressed by the fondant baby decoration on it, that I think all rational thought left my mind.  Here's a picture of it on our leftovers:


  1. That cake is so cute!! What a beautiful job they did- glad Brad was able to join in on the fun too.

  2. This is getting so exciting that you're getting so close to baby time! I love the diaper cake, and I can't believe that darling little sleeping fondant baby!

  3. I still haven't received a diaper cake and don't foresee that happening but boxes of diapers make me just as happy :-) LOVE that fondant baby...that is some real talent!

  4. Hooray for Brad's coworkers! I've always thought diaper cakes looked adorable, and that fondant baby is darling!

  5. How fun! That is a cute diaper cake!


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