Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thank You Card

Last weekend was Maryanne's last online crop before her baby girl is born. One of the challenges was to scraplift an example she picked. I turned mine into a card to thank my Mother In Law Norma for the birthday gift she gave me earlier this month. Since it was a gift card to buy more maternity outfits I thought a picture, that's technically of both me and her to be born grandson, would be appropriate. After all, it's kind of a gift for both of us, I'm sure baby isn't too comfy squeezed into too tight "before" clothing.

Shared At: Scrappy Gifts, Born Again Crafter,



  1. This is a cute idea, Katie! Love the picture you chose.

  2. Such a pretty card and such a great way to say thank you. I am so excited for you and your new little boy!

  3. This is a wonderful card/idea for scraps! So cute and what a beautiful mama!
    Thanks for sharing this idea :)

  4. Such a cute card and such a cute pregger you! How are you feeling sweetie?

  5. Katie, you look so good! Congrats on finding out you are having a boy. I have been a little MIA because of baby #3. Hope you are doing well. I love the thank you card!


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