And no Bob is not number two's name. When we told her some of the names we were considering, her response, "That's okay, how about Bob?" Which we found hysterical, she was so serious and Bob was so random. We have no idea where she got that from, she doesn't watch Bob the Builder and she's only ever met one Bob, another parent at preschool.
So for now baby's belly name, is Baby Bob. She even told her classmates that Mommy's having a baby and his name is Bob. Her teachers' asked if that was what Mommy and Daddy picked out, and she was honest, "No, but that's the name I like, Bob Steve!" Yeah, did I mention she's also picked out a middle name, now doesn't that just roll off the tongue.
I asked her, "What about Robert," explaining that Bob can be a nickname for Robert. That was a no go. "Ah, mom! Robert is NOT the same as BOB!" The tone of her voice coupled with the expression on her face so makes me dread the onset of the tween years!
Over all still feeling pretty good, I've got the usual pregnancy aches and pains but that's to be expected. I am feeling the baby more and more, and due to his position, it seems I'm going more and more too! The technician mentioned he's sitting right on my bladder, oh joy, I can only imagine how things are going to be as he gets bigger.

12 Friends Said:
Cute!! Bob Steve...I think it should at least be in the running;)
Glad you are feeling fine except for the usual. I think Addicyn is on my bladder too and I've been thinking the same thing!!
I love the names little ones come up with! A girl I used to take care of wanted to name her baby sister Spangelina Ursela.
I love that she is naming her brother! Bob Steve is quite the name! Better than my brother, who insisted I should be named Train! Thank goodness babies aren't named by their older siblings!
You look great!
M calls the teddy bear she made in Vermont Bob. It's a girl.
Bob Steve, that's hilarious! When my sister was pregnant, my nephew named the baby George. He was serious about it too. We still call him George for fun sometimes.
Bob Steve would be perfect....if you want to move to a small town in Texas. ;o) Love it, lucky Bob with a sister waiting to show him the way!
Cute! I have been waiting for "baby bump" pics girlie! That's funny about Bob Steve! Hilarious! My friends daughter wanted to her sister's name to be Scratch. I thought that was pretty funny.
Halfway? Are you sure about that? ;) You look GREAT!! Congrats on baby #2! And, I just love that ER calls your belly "Baby Bob's House"...soooo funny!!
That's is too funny! Congrats :)
Aw, look at you! You are glowing :)
Lucky ER, she gets a little brother! I always wanted one & never got one. Don't you just wish you knew where the Bob Steve stuff is coming from? What a funny story! Your pic looks so cute - glad to hear you are feeling well!
You look so cute and tiny. That's so funny about the nickname. =D
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