- My family room couch is deep purple, and yes it's on purpose.
- When I'm not pregnant I drink Diet Snapple, lots of Diet Snapple...preferably peach.
- I hate wearing socks.
- Deep fried pickles dipped in Ranch dip are fabulous...but then so are most things deep fried and covered in Ranch that don't come from the sea.
- I horde magazine clippings, organize them, and eventually throw them all away when feeling overwhelmed by everything I'm not doing. This pattern repeats itself over and over.
- I am post office challenged, whenever I need to get something weighed it sits and sits and sits until finally Brad takes it in. The mail guy greets him by name now. I just dread going there for some reason.
- I'd love to own a beautiful winter white coat but I'm messy, oh so very messy.
- I like to read and eat in bed before going to sleep, and the crumbs drive my husband crazy.
- I don't really miss teaching, like I thought I would. Guess I'm having too much fun being mommy.
- Most days I don't wear any makeup, not cause I think I'm all that. I'm just lazy.
- Even though I don't wear makeup, I can be terribly vain. For example, I won't wear my hair in a ponytail because I think it makes my face look fat.
- My favorite scents are citrus and citrus, yep I like to smell like lemon pledge.
- I took my daughter to Build A Bear the first time, cause I wanted a bear!
- Even though I know I should check more books out of the library, I can't resist buying new ones all the time.
- House Hunters is on HGTV a lot, and I could watch it all day long, much to my husband's annoyance.
- I secretly like really trashy reality television like Jersey Shore, Sister Wives, and Real Housewives of the OC but most of the time you can't get me to admit it.
- It wasn't until I found out I was diabetic that I started liking baked goods and dessert, perfect timing don't ya' think?
- I'm scared of dogs, even the little ones.
- I love my kitties but they've been puking so much some days I'm ready to give them away.
- I match my handbag and shoes, and seeing women mixing their blacks and browns makes me cringe.
- I can always use a new bag or pair of shoes, hey neither ever make you look fat!
- Baseball is the only sport I think is worth watching, if you don't count the Olympics and figure skating...and my husband wouldn't count the latter.
- I have very high arches and wide feet, translation...I wear comfy shoes, heels are out most of the time and whenever I have to get all dressy it's a scramble to find suitable shoes.
- I love to eat but am a terrible cook and handling raw meat makes me sick. Brad does kitchen duty most nights, and likes it as long as I plan the meals.
- Yes I know I haven't seen most of the folks from high school since, well high school, but I still really like using Facebook to find out what ever happened to so and so.
- At any given moment, I'd rather be on the beach next to the ocean.
- I'm a night owl by nature, no matter how many days I've been on a reasonable schedule, it only takes one time to get me back to being up late.
- I can't spell to save my life.
- I'm pretty useless for anything beyond basic arithmetic and can't add or subtract simple sums in my head. Brad laughs at that.
- When I was little, the very absolutely last things on earth I wanted to be was a teacher, a SAHM, or someone who lives in the boring burbs. Which is a joke on me cause now I'm all three and just barely in the burbs, my community borders on being in the country.
- I took French in high school, cause why the heck would I ever need Spanish? Let me tell you a little Spanish would've really come in handy when I lived in CA and NM.
- My very worst subject ever was chemistry, just hated it! Even told my teacher her subject was useless and I was never ever going to know anyone who was remotely interested in it. Guess what my husband's PhD is in...
- I thought I'd have three kids by 30, and barely managed to have one. Which is the way it was supposed to be. I really wasn't ready; had to grow up first:)
- I was found abandoned in Korea, adopted, and have always wondered how the heck March 13th became my "official" birthday.
BTW: I may take a few days off from blogging as a birthday gift to me, I need to catch up on planning ER's learning activities, clean (I know fun for me, what can I say, I'm a party animal), and a few other things. Either way, I'll definitely be back on Thursday for the weekly Crafty Soiree.

33 Friends Said:
March 13th is a great birthday! You are in good company as you share it with my 6 year old! Have a great day!
Happy Birthday Katie! I love your list! Fun stuff! I could watch house hunters all day long too...and I love the RH of the OC! That's about the only TV that I watch. I hope you have a fabulous birthday :)
Happy Birthday! Love your list. I hate socks too. :)
What a fun a list!!! Happy birthday to such a wonderful woman, have a great day:)
Loved this and we are more similar than I realized! Happy Birthday!
I lived reading it
Happy birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
I'm post office challenged too :)
Happy Birthday! I loved your list!
Happy Birthday! I liked teaching too...but I don't miss it either. I never wear make-up because I'm too lazy too...and I also married a PhD in chemistry. :) Fun list.
Happy Birthday!! I just had mine too! And I also am too lazy to put makeup on most days-haha
What a fun birthday list Katie. I even learned some new things;) I didn't know anyone shared my fear of dogs. I usually don't admit it, but even the little ones freak me out. Hope today is as special as you are!
Wishing you an extra magical day with your beautiful family. I miss teaching, but not the politics involved with it. I also wish I had taken Spanish. I started French in 4th grade and got college credit. Their rationale was we were close to Quebec. You know, where they spoke a very different french - oy!
Happy Birthday Katie! You amaze me with your never-ending talents and creativity!
Happy Birthday! I love wathcing House Hunter's too!
This was a very interesting post! Happy happy happy birthday Katie!
Happy Birthday Katie! And I am totally stealing this idea for my birthday in July!
Happy Birthday! This was such an interesting list.
I loved reading it!
No matter how your birthday came to be on the 13th, have a very Happy one! Happy Birthday and enjoy your few days off. Love your list! And with Build-A-Bear, it is great that we are all still children at heart!
Happy Birthday! I didn't know MOST of those things about you! I'm glad you took the time to share. :O)
P.s. I never match my shoes and purse....sorry....but at least i'll keep you busy cringing.
Happy birthday!!
Great list! #34 is by far the most interesting. I'm so glad to have read about your family in the past to know that you are loved and God had the best plan for you!
"It wasn't until I found out I was diabetic that I started liking baked goods and dessert, perfect timing don't ya' think? " That stinks!
What a fun list! I have one pair of shoes and 1 purse. LOL! Yep, sneakers and a Vera Bradley.
How strange that someone picked March 13 as your birthday? That is interesting to think of how that was decided. How old were you when you were found?
Oh and I remember when I was on bed rest for 6 weeks and watched every single episode of House Hunters and every other show on HGTV about 1,000 times! LOL!
Cute list. Hope you are having a great birthday.
Happy Birthday Katie!!!
We have some things in common
Hope your birthday has been as fabulous as you are! Loved getting to know more about you!
I don't like socks either.
Look into Stamps.com (you can try it for a month free and you can get a free 5 lb. scale or upgrade and buy the 25 lb. one. I love having one so I don't have to go to the Post Office all the time.
I'm lazy about make-up and getting ready too! I was going to say I've never seen your hair up so you always look great to me. My hair is always in a messy bun.
I did the same thing with my son with Build a Bear =D
I love House Hunters too! Do you like the internation one? It's okay sometimes.
How nice your husband will do kitchen duty. I stink at coming up with meals - maybe because I have a picky husband and I don't like to wash the dishes.
Happy Birthday Katie! I love your list! I can relate with the reality tv and not being a great speller :)
I love the idea behind this post! And happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Katie! Love this post. I'm right with you on the high arches and wide feet. I have a horrible time finding shoes that don't bother my feet. And I took French in high school, too (and college)... so wish I had taken Spanish!
Happy belated birthday Katie! We share a birthday :)
Happy birthday to you & I can chime in with a hearty 'amen!' for most of what you listed :-) I hope you are enjoying your bloggy break & get lots done!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful 34th year... I have a feeling you will! Malia
Happy late birthday! Hope you got to enjoy your week!
Am a night owl too Katie!
Happy BD to you. Best wishes for a wonderful day....
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