Friday, February 4, 2011

Gnomeo & Juliet Giveaway! 2 Winners

In one week, February 11th, the greatest love story ever told will be released in movie gnomes? In “Gnomeo & Juliet,” Shakespeare's revered tale gets a comical, off-the-wall makeover. Directed by Kelly Asbury (“Shrek 2”) and showcasing both classic and original songs by Elton John, the film features the voices of James McAvoy and Emily Blunt as Gnomeo and Juliet, who have as many obstacles to overcome as their quasi namesakes when they are caught up in a feud between neighbors. But with plastic pink flamingos and thrilling lawnmower races in the mix, can this young couple find lasting happiness? Rated G.

Here's the trailer for you to check out!

To get you all ready for "Gnomeo & Juliet" I've got a great giveaway pack for 2 of my readers!

Giveaway with 2 Winners!!!

Each winner will each a Gnomeo & Juliet Prize Pack including:
  • One Gnomeo & Juliet t-shirt in youth sizes. Winner's choice of S, M, L, or XL. You can choose either red or blue
  • Gnomeo & Juliet one-size fits all beanies in winner's choice of colors of red or blue
  • Gnomeo & Juliet mini-notebooks shaped like a Gnome hat (front cover is red, back cover is blue)

To Enter:

Tell me which size and color youth t-shirt and which color beanie you'd pick as a winner.

Extra Entries:

I'd also love it you'd like to follow me via Google Friends Connect, email, Facebook, or Twitter so you'll be the first to know about giveaway opportunities in the future! Spreading the word is also appreciated. Just let me know what you do in a separate comment for each.

Giveaway open now through the day "Gnomeo & Juliet" hits the theaters, February 11th at 8 AM EST to US residents.


Disclosure: I was provided with the information and images in this post as well as the giveaway materials.


  1. We are excited about this movie! :) I would love to win a Small red T-Shirt and matching beanie for my daughter! :) How cute!!

  2. I follow you through friend connect, too! :D

  3. I'd love a Red Shirt in Small and a Blue Beanie :) I'm really looking forward to this movie ;)

    Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree

  4. So cute! I would love a blue beanie and a blue shirt in small! I can't wait to take the kids to see this movie!!! I also follow you on google friend connect and facebook!

  5. Thanks for offering this - I would love a red small shirt, and a red beanie.

  6. I follow with google friend connect

  7. I'm so EXCITED for this movie! (:

    I'd love to win the t-shirt & beanie in blue/size small.

    Thank you!!!! (:

  8. I "like" you on facebook!!! :)

    Thank you!

  9. I follow you through google connect! (:

    Thank you!!!!

  10. I would pick the blue shirt and beanie in a small.

  11. I can't wait to take my boys to see this! After being stuck in the house after all these snow days, Feb. 11 can't come fast enough! :)

  12. My boys love blue, so I'd love the blue shirt in a size M. :)

  13. Wow what a cool movie. I know Conner would love it. I think he'd like the blue (xs) tshirt and the blue beanie and the blue notebook. He has started to read and write so he'll love these.
    I follow you on blogspot and facebook as well as email. I love what you do.
    Take care,

  14. I'd choose the blue shirt, size large and the blue beanie. Can't wait to see the movie!

  15. I like you on FB.

    Brandy Sullins Bush

  16. I follow you on Twitter.


  17. I like the red t-shirt in small & the blue hat. dramaqueensmum at gmail dot com

  18. I follow you on google friend connect. dramaqueensmum at gmail dot com

  19. I'm subscribed by e mail to your blog. dramaqueensmum at gmail dot com

  20. I would love to win the blue beanie and the blue shirt in Large.


  21. I follow with GFC.


  22. We would love to win!
    We'd love a blue Small shirt and the red beanie!

    JennsRAQ at Gmail dot Com

  23. I follow on FB (Jennifer J-L)
    JennsRAQ at Gmail dot Com

  24. I follow you on Twitter @JennsRAQ

    JennsRAQ at Gmail dot Com

  25. A small blue shirt with red beanie

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  26. I would choose L and in blue with the matching blue beanie.


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