Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Scrappy Canvas by Maryanne at Scrappy Gifts

My apologies to Maryanne at Scrappy Gifts, I meant to share this pretty Scrappy Canvas she sent me before Christmas. Then in the mist of all the holiday projects, I "misplaced" it in my overstuffed craft room. Only recently did I manage to unearth it while cleaning up all the clutter. I was so relieved to find it! Of course the second I did, guess who wanted it for her room, ER of course, so Maryanne has two fans in the household!

It's very sweet and girly; just perfect for one of my favorite pictures of me and ER at the Mother's Day Tea we hosted a couple of years ago. I love the paper choices, the flowered one has a metallic sheen and the green with white polka dots a shiny finish that give it a great touch for display. I also really like the soft fibers used for the "stem" and the full layered look of the flower. It's a really cute display piece and I am so glad I won it from Maryanne. I had been seeing her examples for awhile on her blog and really wanted one, thanks so much Maryanne!



  1. So pretty! What a great way to display that fun picture!

  2. What a great gift to win! So cute and pretty. Love your hats!!

  3. You're welcome Katie! So glad your daughter loves it too; it's nice to have fans no matter how young they are. Don't worry about not posting it before Christmas either - the holidays get crazy and I know how it is to lose stuff in your craft room =D
    Perfect picture for it!


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