I am pretty excited about it because I have always thought the label cloud at the bottom of my blog was large and cumbersome. This should make it easier to navigate my blog by subject and clean up my sidebars as well. It's mainly for me, as I'm probably the one who goes back and looks for specific posts the most often but I hope it's helpful for readers too.
In doing this I had to create a few new post for some of links so if you're a subscriber, you may get an unusually large amount of posts in your inbox over the next few days. I apologize in advance if that's the case. They should all come in one email along with the actual new post of the day. They probably won't make any sense and will all say they're from for December 2008 as I buried them in my archives. I don't know if those updates will be in your email of recent posts or not. Consider this a heads up, just in case.
It's work in progress, I've got some more tweaking to do but if you haven't been over to the actual blog lately, please come and tell me what you think! The drop down menu is right under my header. As soon as I've got everything transferred over the label cloud will disappear, you may notice it's already quite a bit lighter as I've already taken off links already moved to the bar.

6 Friends Said:
It looks great! I need to find time to give my blog a makeover...
I need to go through and clean up my label cloud and my blog roll also. It's just so much work. I wish there was a way to do bulk editing of posts.
It looks really nice, Katie! I like that you can have so much information at the top like that.
It looks great...what a fun way to start of the New Year. I have been wanting a drop down menu of my own, but need to wait till I have the time to organize everything. It seems like the task that I would want to sit down and just get through instead of being interrupted by the kiddos a million and one times :)
Everything seems very well-organized and easy to find. Some of those blog updates can be so time-consuming, but the end result is always worth it! (if you can get it to work...)
It looks great! I got tired of my label cloud too, so I moved it to the bottom. I'm not sure how many people really use it.
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