Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gingerbread Christmas Train

We finally put together the Gingerbread Train Kit we bought LAST year! ER was very happy to get her hands on all the candy and did a great job working with Daddy on it. Now I just have to make sure we actually make the baking kit we got for this year, well THIS year! It's for making tree shaped cupcakes so I think we'll have to, I don't think the mix will keep until Dec. 2011. I certainly don't want to be eating year old baking mix!

Part of Wordless Wednesday at Five Minutes for Mom, The Angel Forever, Go Graham Go, Two of a Kind Working on a Full House, and Wordful Wednesday at Parenting by Dummies.


7 Friends Said:

Jenny said... 1

We did that kit last year! We have 2 kits I bought on clearance last year to do now, but haven't gotten to them yet.

ER's train is cute!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said... 2

WOW! This is absolutely darling!!

VICKYFF said... 3

Scarves Scarves
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas in advance

Beth @ TheAngelForever said... 4

Love the great big smile. She is so proud of her train. I will have to keep an eye out for clearance items like this to do with the boys next week. Merry Christmas to you and your family and thanks for linking up :)

Crafty Mommy Diva said... 5

So fun! We decorated a gingerbread house last night! Better get those cupcakes made soon!

MaryAnne said... 6

Your train turned out great! We just got that same kit for Johnny to make tomorrow, and he is SUPER excited about it!

Anonymous said... 7

It is always fun doing gingerbread houses. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

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