My favorite ways to relax during "me-time" is with a good book and a tall hot drink like a Raspberry Kiss from my favorite place or at this time of year, a peppermint hot chocolate - that's my all time favorite indulgent drink! If you had extra time, how would you spend it?
Today's experiment from Wisk® Labs is to show you how quickly and easily their Stain Spectrum™ Technology takes care of a lip gloss stain, which surprsingly is included in the oil stain group. That's probably my biggest group of stains to contend with, I have dripped many a nice sweater with oily salad dressing! No more ruined towels, when you grab one by mistake to blot your lips as you rush out the door!
This was my final experiment of the Beta Blogger program, and I've really enjoyed sharing how the new Wisk® with Stain Spectrum™ Technology with you! I've been continually amazed by how it removes the kind of stains that make me cringe and worry about another ruined outfit! My daughter and I tend to magnets to stains and I have been continually impressed by how Wisk® works! One of the biggest things I've learned is that you don't have to buy a seperate stain remover! I had never used detergent to pre-treat before; it's nice to have one less thing to buy and to simplify my laundry routine.
Wisk® is available at major retailers nationwide, such as Walmart, Target and Kroger. It comes in Five Stain-Fighting Varieties, all including Wisk® Stain Spectrum™ Technology:
- Wisk® Deep Clean: Clean, fresh scent and works great on tough stains.
- Wisk® Coldwater Power: Specially formulated for cold water conditions so you can save energy and money.
- Wisk® Colorsafe Bleach: Helps you keep your whites sparkling white and your colors bright and clean.
- Wisk® High Efficiency: Speciffically fomulated for your HE machine. To learn more about all things HE, log onto
- Wisk® Fresh Boost™: Clean, citrus scent that helps remove tough stains.

Disclosure: This is the fourth in a series of posts sponsored by Wisk®. I received monetary compensation for my participation, but my review and opinions are my own.
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