We always decorate our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. I think it started back when we were newly weds in California because we always traveled back to Michigan for the holidays. We were lucky in that I was teaching and Brad, as a graduate student, was also on an academic calendar. So we got to go home for about two weeks.
Since it cut down on the amount of time we were in our apartment in California, I wanted to decorate for the holidays as soon as possible so I could enjoy everything. Even though we only had a little table top tree, I enjoyed putting on the ornaments and setting out the two bright red jeweled berry topiaries that we splurged on one year. As a couple on a budget they were quite expensive for us at the time, but I just love them and it's not the holidays without them!

This year we were busy around the house on Saturday and also got our annual holiday photos done too. It was still a bit chilly but warmer than usual so we took just a few outside and then several more indoors. The Christmas magic must be in the air already because one of the two family shots in our front yard came out the best out of all our attempts.

She's a little windswept, but this one of ER's sweet little smile by the evergreen by our front porch will also be gracing the
inside of our card. I can't wait to get them! The photo calendars I ordered at the same time have already shipped, I hope these come soon too.
10 Friends Said:
Those are such cute pics! We also decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving. I like having a whole month to enjoy all of the decor!
Love the family pic. I too just ordered my cards from Shutterfly can't wait to send them out. I also just moved from cali and this winter has been by far my coldest ever. I hope you have a great holiday break!
That last photo of ER is stunning, and your family photo looks great, too!
Great pictures! We took ours over Thanksgiving and I ordered them from Shutterfly Sunday night. Can't wait for them to arrive! Now if I could just get the rest of my decorating done!!
She is such an angel, I love the last picture, she's growing up so fast!
She looks so cute in that red sweater. Great pictures!
Awe! Nice pictures Katie! I love the one with ER's heat shot. Beautiful!
We also usually start decorating right after Thanksgiving. Puts us in a festive mood:)
Awwww, super cute. Our tree is very decorated from about 3 feet down.
Adorable family!!!
I love how you took the photo of your daughter decorating the tree. I must remember to do that.
Oh Katie, ER is absolutely beautiful! How did she get so big so fast?! It happens way too fast. I am in awe of all that the two of you have been crafting up over this holiday season! I love so many of the things you have made and am now wishing I could extend the season by a couple weeks:-). Next year, I have all my crafts preplanned from your blog:-).
You are such a great mom. I have loved catching up on your blog tonight. The generational pillow you made for your mom is such a treasure and really touched me. My grandmother is pretty ill and I know she probably won't be with us too much longer. We took what will more than likely be our last good picture back in September, so glad we did.
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog tonight. I hope you have a wonderful and memorable Christmas with your family and it looks like you are! Merry Christmas and blessings for a very Happy 2011!
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