Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fall Preschool Crafts

ER is in a three day a week four year old preschool class; each session is about two and a half hours. Here are three of my favorite fall projects, that she's brought home so far.
Button Tree: Now I've seen just about every variation of tree craft, but somehow this button aficionado had never seen this before...although I have used buttons to represent apples before. The wobbily cutting of the circle for the top is my favorite part.Caramel Apple: More age appropriate cutting practice evidenced here and this two step project also incorporates a little painting with brown too. I think a tongue depressor would make this craft perfect. Glitter Leaf: Nothing ground breaking here, just a time honored glitter project. It's so easy and is done so often, I think it's a required part of any early childhood curriculum! Getting to wield the glue bottle and do whatever they want with it is always exciting. Add an opportunity to shake, shake, shake a container of glitter to their little hearts content makes for a project every little kid likes.

I save a shallow box, to make something like a work tray. I get them when I purchase a flat of drinks at Costco, to contain the mess. It also makes it easy to pour the excess glitter back into the bottle after each child. (If you have no idea what I mean, let me know and the next time we use ours I'll snap a picture of it.) These look great on a bulletin board with the kids pictures pasted in the middle.



  1. I like your work tray idea! It could definitely help contain glitter.

  2. Looks like a fun preschool! It made me think of this art wall I saw earlier ( Those would look so cute in an art wall!

  3. Those do look like fun. My son loves anything involving my button collection. I'm a little embarrassed to say that I've never done a glitter project with him of the shake-shake variety; we just have a lot of glitter glue.

  4. I have never thought of a caramel apple craft - love it!

  5. I really like these ideas! Very cute and love seeing the projects from the kids especially cutting. I do home daycare and love getting new ideas for the kids to create. I have bookmarked your site.


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