Today is Labor Day in the US, a day that celebrates the working force and marks the end of summer for many. I thought it was a fitting time to share what looks to be our last bit of summer.

I can't believe it was just last week I was sweatin' on the beach along Lake Huron! It's definitely felt like fall the last few days.

We spent a few nights at my parents' house at the end of August and drove a few hours over to Lexington for the day. The beaches are rockier so it's not as easy to swim, but on the plus side they are a lot less crowded.

We practically had the place to ourselves and the breeze by the lake was refreshing, it was hot and humid otherwise.

ER is a collector, she loves to pick up bits and pieces, she was in heaven! She scooped up lots of interesting rocks and shells.

After playing for awhile, ER enjoyed the play ground above the beach and we all had a snack in the shade. Wasn't our view beautiful?

We drove up the road a little bit to Port Sanilac for ice cream and found this playground. I haven't seen one of these spinning things in quite awhile. They've been removed from most places because they can be kind of dangerous. Anyone remember their name?

Kids tend to jump from them while they're still spinning. I used to love them when I was growing up, and ER loved it too.

Obligatory picture of me, to prove I was along too.
7 Friends Said:
Love the pictures!!! And your "obligatory picture...." LOL I know! I am always the one taking pictures!!!
We called those merry-go-rounds - not sure if that was their official name, though. They were SO much fun!
Wow it looks like you all had a great time. I love the picture of ER with all of her treasures!!
Beautiful pics! I hope to see those lakes someday! I have only ever really swam in the ocean. Not many lakes around here (well any that you would want to swim in). ER is so cute. She is really growing up!
Great photos! We had a horrible Labor Day weekend. Cold and rainy:( It's on it's! The leaves are changing everywhere, is this a bad sign? I'm so not ready......
OMG!! ER looks just like you!! I remember when I was a teenager and stopping by Lake Huron near Mackinaw City. I collected so many shells. I still have them:)
cute, happy family.
I'm following from spotlight saturday.
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