Monday, September 13, 2010

Fabulous Fall Digital Kit & My First Design Team Assignment!

I have such exciting news! I recently was accepted into my very first design team for Adori Graphics! I've been dabbling in digital scrapbooking for some time now and it was quite a thrill to have Louise ask me to join her team. I love trying out new kits and getting to play with them before anyone else. Today Louise's brand new kit Fabulous Fall was released! It's full of digital goodies perfect for all the pictures you'll be taking this autumn. There are 36 fun papers with a variety of patterns, including polka dots, damask, and checks. Flowers, buttons, clips, stitching, ribbons, frames, two cute little kids - a boy and a girl, and even a little tree and pendant banner! Lots of fun things!
Pumpkin Patch LO
My first design team assignment was to create a layout using Louise's brand new kit Fabulous Fall. So what do you think? Do you love? I hope so, it was really fun to create and I used one of my favorite fall quotes on it. I think it's perfect for many different seasonal pages and there's still room for some journaling and a date.
Pumpkin Patch QP
The best part is that I got to turn my layout into a quick page and so did all the other Design Team Members! So now you can head to Adori Graphics and download all the freebies to add your own pictures too! So please check out Louise's new digital kit Fabulous Fall, released today!
Download my Fabulous Fall Quick Page, here, right click to "Save As" and save the png. file to your computer. For Personal Use Only


Disclosure: I am a member of the Design Team for Adori Graphics and receive free product to create promotional projects.

9 Friends Said:

Diane said...

Gorgeous fall page. I love working with digital art.

Thanks for visiting me over at Pittypat Paperie and leaving the nice comment about my book page pumpkin. Drop by again anythime.

Anonymous said...

Oh Katie - that is wonderful! Congratulations on being on the design team. Very cool my friend! :) Your quick page is awesome! I'm always in awe of digital scrapbookers. I want to learn someday.
What software do you use?

The Autocrat: Haley said...

Way cute!!! Lovin it!

Annette W. said...

Isn't Louise wonderful! I'm so glad you're on the team!


The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I love it. It came out awesome.

Christy said...

I love your page!! It's hard for me to get into digital b/c of the lack of textile moving around, but I love how clean it is, all the possibilities, and expense! I also love to see stuff out there like this with so many great patterns! They are lucky to have you share your expertise and use their supplies. :O)

Heather {Butterflygirlms} said...

Your layout is beautiful! I love it! I'm glad you joined the team with us all :)

Ms Muffin said...

Wow - now THAT IS exciting! Congratulations!!!
I have been thinking of starting to do digital scrapbooking for a while now. Real scrapbooking just isn't for me! :-) But somehow I can't seem to get it all worked out. I would kinda like to try it out ot see whether I like it ... so I thought I would use GIMP as it is free and I found a few tutorials. But it just takes me forever to figure it out ... and I always kinda get distracted with other projects! Sometimes I think maybe now is not the time to start that. But on the other hand I would really like to make my photos (especially of the kids) into cute books ... and I know if I don't do it now I will probably never do it ... or at least forget alot before I ever get to write it down/ scrap it ... :-/
Any suggestions for starters? How did you start? Did you buy a certain program?

malia said...

Katie-- Great job. I just ordered Photoshop (as you know I am not experienced with digi stuff haha) and your layout makes me excited about what sorts of scrapbooking projects may be in my future.

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