I love going to fairs and having grilled corn on the cob. I've always wanted to make it at home, but to be honest, the method sounded like way too much work. Soaking the cobs, peeling back layers, adding butter, folding back up the leaves, all that before you even put it on the grill. Then afterward, trying to peel a hot piece of corn, without burning your fngers, no thank you!
My mom recently showed me this simple method, all the delicious taste and way less mess! We've been enjoying our sweet Michigan corn like this every since!

To do it, start by shucking all your ears of corn and picking off any corn silks that remain. Lay an ear of corn on a double layer of aluminum foil, if you've got heavy duty foil on hand, you only need one. Dot ear of corn with a few pats of butter.

Take the long sides and fold up and fold over and down until you meet the corn. You're essentially making a foil packet.

Fold the open sides up and press down to seal. If my directions are confusing, I think most of you can figure it out from the finished picture. It's really so simple to do the directions take longer to write out than actually do.

Place your ears of corn on a hot grill for seven minutes and then roll over and grill seven more minutes on the other side. The butter will melt and get all carmelized and super yummy! I don't put anything else on my corn, it's so sweet and delicious. FYI: Peel open the foil carefully, it'll be hot!
5 Friends Said:
We love grilling corn. I'm going to be sad when corn season is over, we have some of the best sweet corn right now, melts right in your mouth!
That's how we do it too! It comes out delicious every single time! Looks so good!
MMMM, i now want grilled corn on the cob!
When all else fails, ask Mom! Moms do know best :-) Looks yummy!
LOL - We had corn tonight. I now know where TechyDad must have been reading yesterday ;)
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