For most of us Moms, one of the most beautiful, important moments of our lives occurred in the bathroom! That moment, the first moment we saw the positive results on our at-home
pregnancy test, becomes a moment that we want to cherish and remember forever.
Our big moment came in our cramped apartment bathroom in Santa Fe. We'd only been living there a few months and it was the very first month we'd officially been "trying". I had been very worried that it would take several months to conceive and had convinced Brad to start sooner rather than later.
I took the
pregnancy test and immediately saw two lines. I was so excited and called Brad. He came and stared at it in disbelief. I yelled, "We're pregnant!" He responded with, "It says to wait two minutes," and kept staring and staring at it. That's when I countered with, "It's not going to change, a line isn't going to disappear."
That's when it hit him. We were having a baby. He was pretty surprised and shocked, going around saying, "I thought it was going to take months," all day. We told our parents right away and I came up with a very special way let the rest of the family know.

We found out in November and decided to hold onto our news until we went home for Christmas in December. I made a bunch of decoupaged frames, three of them are shown above. We wrapped them up and gave one to each family with an announcement in the middle: We're Having A Baby in August 2007! My Aunts Denise and Barb immediately got the message and shrieked with happiness. It was really neat to share our excitement with everyone.

I held onto my
pregnancy test and eventually they were joined by a big stack of ultrasound pictures. Because I'm diabetic I had a scan once a month to start with and by the end of my pregnancy it was twice a week. That's one of the very few upsides to having a high risk pregnancy, I got to see my baby all the time. My favorite ultrasound pictures were the 3D ones. This one is of the profile of her head, can you see her little fist up against her forehead and above her nose in it?

The last of my favorites keepsakes was added after ER was born. I'm sure a lot of you also have a little newborn hat like this tucked away. When I hold it, I can't believe she was so itty bitty once! I've also got both of our hospital bracelets.

Do you have some place special to hold to your keepsakes? Where is your
pregnancy test? Mine had been sitting in my bathroom drawer. To be honest I couldn't think of a better place to put it, but it's not there any more! Now,
e.p.t® offers women a commemorative Keepsake Case and scrapbook card to mark the life-changing occasion, available with a mail-in proof-of-purchase.
Isn't that a great idea? The small sleek zippered pouch, can even fit more than one test. Brad and I are hoping to add baby #2 to our family. When I'm ready I'll be sure to pick up a pregnancy test by
e.p.t®. I'll want another keepsake case, to help me remember the moment I first knew.
Disclaimer: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of e.p.t and received an e.p.t. keepsake case and a $20 gift card to JustGive.org to facilitate my review.
5 Friends Said:
Such a sweet post. It was fun to hear about the first moment you knew about ER and how you told your family. But, I have to admit I think the keepsake bag thing is so weird! Do people really keep the used sticks? I guess I never, ever considered that. Funny. Anyway...
Neat idea on the keepsake bag. Before I got to experience "that moment", I thought it was weird to keep the test but I have mine. It's in my pregnancy box and is something I will never toss. I shared my story the other week and I'm so glad I have a place to document it.
She was such the little doll!!
I love this post! I didn't keep my actual pregnancy test, but I took a picture of it with my phone... which I lost when I lost my phone. Sadness. I like the idea of this keepsake bag, though - I have random keepsakes spread throughout the house that I'm sure to misplace. My favorite keepsakes are the hospital bracelets. :)
I remember the moment you told me..at Melissa's house that holiday. It seems like just yesterday but that fabulous chattering toddler? Goddaughter of ours is a constant reminder its not.
Can we just freeze her at 4????
I kept mine too!! I actually did the test at work and told the hubby over the phone b/c I couldn't wait.
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