We went to the Creepy Crawlies Nature Event last week with some friends. For part of the time everyone went bug collecting and my friend Rachel picked up this spider with her egg sack still attached for ER. I'd never seen a spider's egg sack before, it was kind of irridescent and neat to see. I thought some of you might be interested in seeing it too.
5 Friends Said:
Oh my goodness!!! While it is something I have never seen before, I much admit your photo loaded onto my screen and a shiver ran down my spine. Yikes! I am not a big fan of spiders. *shudder*
That is really cool to see, but pretty freaky at the same time! Thanks for sharing.
I know this is months later than your post, but I loved the spicer pic and had to click it. We had a wolf spider in our house once and we squshed it (Plese no PETA calls) and the little babies scatter all over the kitchen floor...thousands of them. It was cool and creepy at the same time!
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