Last week we were in the mist of last minute preparations for ER's first dance recital. It was a busy few days with a full dress rehearsal at the studio and another at the high school, before the actual recital on Saturday.

Getting all her hair into a bun was a challenge, requiring a whole lot of gel and hair spray. I'm not one to wear much make up in day to day life, so figuring out how to put her in stage make up was the biggest challenge for me. On Monday I went with darker eye, and that kinda freaked out Brad.

So on Thursday when we went to see the actual stage at the high school I toned it down a bit and I think we all were happier. She was so excited to be on the stage and didn't hesistate for one second to walk out in front on everyone.
One reason might have been because she was busy talking to one of her little classmates and not paying attention one bit to the teacher. She only made it through one full rehearsal because thirty seconds into the first run through, she came bounding off the stage, "I gotta go potty! Potty, potty, potty," to much laughter from the audience.

On Saturday my parents, brother Dave, and Brad's mom Norma all came out so she'd have a big cheering crowd. And omigosh was her class the cutest and sweetest little bunch of dancers. I think the whole audience would've oohed and ahhed over them even if they hadn't managed to bobble and hop about a little bit. They were the littlest of all the dancers and looked so precious in their costumes. I'm so happy it was such a positive experience for her, to think all the worrying on my part for no reason.

After the big show, we gave her a bunch of roses and came back to our house for pizza. Then it was to Dairy Queen for a sweet treat. But I think the biggest part of the day for ER was knowing that now she could have the doll that came with her costume. She immediately joined all of the rest of ER's babies in her bedroom.

It was quite an experience sitting through over two hours of performances, but worth it to see ER and her little class dancing to "Oh You Beautiful Doll". I hope there are many more recitals in our future. This year she was in creative moment, and she's already talking about the "big girl" class that was after hers, she can't wait for pre-tap and pre-ballet next year. I think we'll also add gymnastics next year because she's such a physical little girl, Grandma Norma's has already offered her a special "World's Greatest Granddaughter" Scholarship☺

16 Friends Said:
Wow! I clicked on your blog and was blown away how grown up ER looked. With her hair pulled back she looks so grown up. Beautiful as ever, of course! So glad it was a fun day.
She does look grown up. She looks so beautiful.
Awwwwww, dance recitals are so fun!
How fun. I cannot wait for dance with Zoe. She is so excited to start. That reminds me I have to make the call. ER looks adorable. Have a wonderful weekend!
She looks adorable. I used to teach dance and gymnastics, they are SO cute at that age. :)
She looks adorable!
She looks so excited and cute and sweet!
She is such a beautiful ballerina princess!
Yeah she needs to stop growing soo quickly.
What when I come home in September is she going to be in high school??
Brad freaked out is freaking funny. Can you see him having a coronary when her first date arrives to pick her up...that will be you & I making fun of him as as he falls to the floor.
Yeah she needs to stop growing soo quickly.
What when I come home in September is she going to be in high school??
Brad freaked out is freaking funny. Can you see him having a coronary when her first date arrives to pick her up...that will be you & I making fun of him as as he falls to the floor.
Awww....cute! I took dance as a child! I loved the excitement of our final recitals. I also loved having the costumes to play "dress up" in with friends!
Wow! She is adorable!
She is so cute! I hope I have a girl this time so I can dress her in cute ballerina outfits like this :)
I had just wanted to pop over to wish your family a special day on this Father's day...but then I scrolled down and saw these pictures of your beautiful little ER in her outfit!
Tooooo cute!
Blessings & Aloha!
Gorgeous photos of your ballerina. I must ask why no photos of the two of you together?
I so wish there was video! Missy starts dancing in the fall (creative dance, although she wishes it was ballet!) and we are so excited about it!
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