Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: In Full Bloom

Our tree is in its most glorious, the surest sign spring has arrived. We look forward all year to the short time when its in full bloom, so beautiful!

What signals the arrival of spring to you?

And if you happen to know what kind of tree this might be, let me know pretty please? It was there when we moved in, so we don't know.


Part of Wordless Wednesday at the following places: Five Minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, and A Lot of Loves AND Wordfull Wednesday at Seven Clown Circus.

29 Friends Said:

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! I've seen many trees and flowers it's wonderful!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

What a beautiful flower. What kind of tree is it?

RachelFerrucci said...

Those are beautiful flowers. What kind of tree is that?

Rachel Ferrucci

Stephanie R. said...

I love Spring too- and those flowers are beautiful!!

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

Love this photo! I also love to capture flowers when I can! Happy WW! New follower, check out my site.

Woman Tribune said...

That is so beautiful it almost looks fake. Absolutely gorgeous, I love it!

Holly Lefevre said...

It is a gorgeous tree and that photo is great too! I have no idea what kind of tree it is...I would love to have one. Let's see what signal season and daffodils.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty crisp shot!

I am Harriet said...

Yep- it's like that here too- achooo!

Have a great Wednesday!

Susan Cook said...

Beautiful flowers - not sure what kind - but I've seen those before.

Happy WW ♥

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Gorgeous photo Katie! I believe that is the same tree that my neighbor has next door. She had to have hers replaced after lightning hit her original one. Will ask to see what it is called and get back to you.

Jennifer said...

Beautiful photo!!

Kelli said...

I am no help with the tree name, but I do think it's beautiful. Our trees are starting to bloom and our daffodils already bloomed and are about to die.

RoS said...

It's probably a Bradford Pear or a Cleveland Select Pear - you can tell from the oval shape that the trees' branches form.

***Sharon*** said...

WOW. What beautiful flowers!

Anonymous said...

We have a local chicken fundraiser (outdoor BBQ) and the first one signals "spring" to me. Everyone waits all winter and waits in line for over an hour, just to taste what they had been missing for so long.

Uh, that and the flowers, of course.

Happy WW

MaryAnne said...

So beautiful - great photo, too!

Spring for me is the blossoms on the tree and the bright green leaves that show up on our willow tree (they turn darker as time goes by)

Michelle said...

What a beautiful picture, I love springtime blossoms!!

Lori said...

So pretty! I am just in love with the blossoms this year!

GunnyMom said...

Gorgeous blossoms.Please let us know what kind of tree this is whenyou find out. I live in northern California and would like one for my backyard.

Debbie @ OtRD said...

What a beautiful picture. I wish I had a tree like that in my yard.

The trees and flowers starting to bloom always make me think of spring and I love this time of year.

Thanks for stopping by the other day.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Beautiful picture! Would love to have a yard full of those trees :) Kisses!

Nancy said...

I wish I had such a beautiful sign of spring! It actually snowed here yesterday, crazy. Utah spring weather is very unpredictable. But there are daffodils popping up all over the neighborhoods here and I love seeing them. Anyway good luck with the Kitchen Aid, I'm so glad I pulled mine out, the problem is now I keep wanting to make homemade rolls and I don't think it's such a good idea for my waistline!

Ms. Anita said...

I think it's a dogwood. That was my first reaction when I saw your photo. We have a LOT of them blooming around here.

Ms. Anita said...
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Ms. Anita said...

After looking at other pictures of dogwoods and Bradford pears on-line, I think RoS is right... it appears to be a Bradford pear. Does it have a really strong fragrance?

Ms. Anita said...

Thanks to you, too, Katie. I think you are sweet!

ThriftyNiftyCrafter said...

So beautiful and i bet it smells lovely also

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

These are beautiful, have no clue what it is :)!

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