Well this is certainly a last minute post! Was planning on sharing our Easter but never got around to it because we were out and about enjoying the sunshine today. A a few hours spent at the park with friends was followed by the inaugural sprinkler run. Yes it was only in the 70s, but the neighborhood kiddos didn't seem to mind a bit.
3 Friends Said:
I love it, Katie! What a happy, joyful photo! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed your Easter. :) Thank you for the congrats on my challenge award, and thanks for the photography tips! I definitely need all the help I can get! :) Unfortunately, my camera doesn't have a viewfinder, but I'm really working on trying to stabilize the camera however I can. :)
Katie - I just saw that you left me another comment. So glad that you are a John Mayer fan! He definitely did not disappoint. "Say What You Need To Say" is one of my favourites, too. I just posted some photos from the concert if you are interested! :) I love reading your blog, by the way. You have a very authentic and sweet writer's voice, and it's a joy to read! :)
The weather has been beautiful here as well. Although, we are sitting around waiting for snow just because it seems to always fall one last time. High 70's for the past week almost is wonderful and I woke up to storms this morning. Love the photo of ER.
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