Today I was
supposed to post about a great book we've been reading, very educational
and factual, plus a fun related alphabet art project.
But yesterday ER threw a snit fit, with crying and yelling for almost an hour. Apparently
she think's it's appropriate to throw rocks and
I do not. Which resulted in having to come inside and
not eating Sun Chips with milk and instead having "quiet" time, if you count all the tantruming as being "quiet", in the purple chair.
Before you give me the "World's Worst Mommy" award, don't think I made her stay in there that long. Oh no she didn't want to be with Mama; she'd prefer to sit with her back to me. Sheesh, some times she is no fun! Needless to say we did not get done what I wanted to, so instead I'll catch you all up to speed on the biggest project Brad has tackled to date. In a way, seems only fitting as it was what we spent the tax refund on.

Last Sunday, the sun came out and there was time for a wagon ride with Grammy and Grandma Norma on the path behind our house.
{Can I just interject how much I ♥♥♥ the community path? Gives everyone a safe place to be away from the cars, makes our yard look bigger, AND we don't have to mow the extra grass. Of course, as you can see, due to the slope from our house and the way the rain collects and stands around there, some patches are kinda of...oh um...dead. But I still chalk it up as: Whoohoo! Bonus!} 
There was also time for creating a new masterpiece, without the aforementioned throwing, and blowing bubbles but...

Most importantly, there were three extra helpers for Brad as he tackled putting up the playscape we bought for ER at Costco, for a super good price. We've been thinking about getting one and comparing prices for two years now. This is the first year I feel it's safe enough to have one in our backyard. Cause ER is fearless. She'll climb to the second level, and no joke, leap off.
Very scary for Mama and before then they all looked way to big for our itty bitty. I knew if it was in the back yard, there would be no keeping her off it, even if it was still way too big for her. Now she can do all the things independently, and she listens better to directions. Ahem...sort of, refer back to throwing incident at the top.

I didn't help very much
{ all} with the assembly, but I did manage to serve two meals. Which is saying a lot, as I am not handy in the kitchen. Even with my mom making the bean soup and my brother buying the cake, it still felt like a lot of work to me. Reason #1 why I don't like cooking at home. So much easier when a waiter brings you food and then the dirty dishes, poof, magically disappear.

Here's how far we got on work day number one. Brad worked Monday and Tuesday after work on more steps and will be ready to put on the roof next time. Which hopefully, will be tomorrow night. Grandma Norma and Ray are supposed to come back over. I'll keep you updated on the progress! ER can't wait to have her very own swings and slide to play on.
7 Friends Said:
Looks great! Our stART project almost didn't happen either... but E changed her mind last minute.
Those suckers take longer to put together than it did to paint the Sistine Chapel! LOL! It's gonna look great when it's done and you're going to have a GREAT time!
We're pricing new ones now too!
That looks like it will be so fun for your kids to play on! Good luck! I'm sure it will turn out great!
SO ironic! Let me just tell you....we have been outside this morning and Andrew got in trouble for throwing a rock towards me. He has never done that but today he did. When we came inside, he threw a hissy fit. We ALSO playing with sidewalk chalk AND he chased bubbles trying to catch and pop them. Great minds think alike.
I have been thinking how much I wish Andrew had a climbing structure but he is still too young. My nerves would be shot. Brad had done a wonderful job!
oh she's gonna love it!! too funny that she had to have Quiet time; glad i am not the only one!
What a lovely playscape for ER! She is one lucky little girl!! :-)
Wow, looks like it will be a play-filled summer! Oh, and I am right there with you on the waiter thing... If I don't need to think about my dirty dishes, I won't!
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